Yoga Articles

Thyroid Gland

Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the anterior neck. The function of the thyroid gland is to produce thyroid hormones – triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones help to regulate the body’s metabolism and effects processes, such as growth, central & peripheral nervous system, menstrual cycle and other

Yoga Philosophy – Satya

Satya The second Yama is Satya – truthfulness. This would appear quite straight forward to me at first, it’s not ok to tell lies, that sounds relatively simple to adhere to but a bit tricky at times: “Do you think my drawing is good, Mummy” “Erhmm………” What’s the right thing


Kakasana – the crane The pose can look impressive/daunting to beginners but is relatively easy to achieve. It does require some shoulder and arm strength plus flexibility but a lot is to do with technique and getting your balance both mental and physical. Brute strength might get you up initially


PIRIFORMIS While desperately increasing mileage to hit my week 8 training programme schedule for a half marathon I was introduced to my piriformis muscle, quite literally a pain in the butt. What I didn’t know then was that by combining a well balanced yoga practice with my tarmac pounding we

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall……

Mirror, mirror on the wall…….. The perils of admiring one’s mirror image are well documented, many will be familiar with the ancient greek myth of Narcissus and his fate. Upon seeing his own reflection in a pool of water, not realising it was his own, he fell in love with

My Journey from a Student to now a Yoga Instructor

For me, yoga started as just any bodily exercises. I started slowly with one class a week and it soon increased to twice and I started classes on the weekends too. My first exposure to yoga was Bikram style, 24 postures in a hot room with super sweaty yogis. I

Rotator cuff muscles

The rotator cuff muscles are a group of 4 muscles that help to stabilise the shoulder joint. (Actually I was surprised to find out that there is more than one joint in the shoulder: the glenohumeral joint which is what people think of when talking about the shoulder joint and another

Anatomy and Yoga

What comes into your mind when you hear the word anatomy? Majority of us, the first thing that will enter our mind is the human body. The structures and it’s compositions, joints, muscles and the system of the body. As defined Anatomy is a branch of science connected with the

As it comes to an end…

Few more sessions and My 200hrs YTT course is about to end I am actually starting to miss it. For almost 3 months I would be waking up early in the morning on a weekend just to get ready and head up to my yoga school/studio. I would be spending

My YTTC Journey: Learning that yoga is not yoga

I started to practice yoga more seriously as a way of dealing with alot of major life events happening within a very short period of time. It was a space where I could calm my monkey mind, find focus and feel my damaged body mending. I was even developing a sense of spiritual
