My postpartum yoga

Early this year, the best thing which can ever occur to anyone happened to me, I became mother of a wonderful child. I loved him since the moment I knew he was here in my tummy and all the more as the time goes.

Having a child has an incredible impact on your mind, on your soul, you see things differently, you feel things with new eyes.. You simply mature suddenly and enjoy the world thru this little thing that you call “my son”. But sadly, your body may disagree, this is a very exhausting moment where you whole limbs are under great stressed. During pregnancy, your activities are slowly reducing, then your womb starts to make place by pushing your abs away and finally when the moment has arrived it becomes an even greater deal.

The impacts on the body are obvious, and I would say the most difficult part is to accept it; my body is not the same as before, I can’t do what I used to do, those amazing pose that people do which I used to do. But the good news is: nothing is preventing you from getting it back! 2 key words: Patience and dedication.

 slowly started doing yoga again after giving birth, practicing at my own pace to reconnect little by little with my body. With time passing on, I dedicated myself on learning, not only asana but as well the philosophy going together.

My body slowly regained its former self, without ever pushing too hard I was feeling better and better. Yoga helped me to listen to my body and it gave it to me back.

For mama who got a green pass from your doctor I would like to recommend you some yoga poses you can practice at home while your little one is napping (even 20 min you can do it!)

NAVASANA (modified)

It’s important to take it slow. Most women have large separation between the abdominals after birth — I had a width of two fingers between my abs.

Sit with your knees bent, toes on the mat just beyond your butt. With a flat, straight back, pull in the abs to support the lower back. Take your fingers to your knee and balance on your Sit bones, taking most of the weight out of your toes.After a few weeks like this, play with releasing your hands from behind your knees and reach them out straight in front of you.You can also try to have fun with your baby by placing the baby between your legs hold his hand and raise your legs slowly up and down

Ustrasana ( Camel pose)

Be sure you’re ready for this and take it slowly before you drop back into Full Camel, just to make sure your abdominals and spine are ready for it. Perhaps first work into Camel with your hands resting and supporting your lower back.  Simply arch the back and open your heart to the sky.As your strength and flexibility increases, begin to play with reaching for your ankles. Again, take it slow as you don’t want to overstretch.

Rabbit pose

One of my all time favorite poses, and the inverse of Camel, Rabbit Pose stimulates and articulates the vertebrae. It stretches through the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine, and stimulates the internal organs and thyroid gland thanks to the tight chin tuck.Hold for five beautiful, nourishing breaths.

Bridge pose

Anxiety is very common after birth. Your mind can run a million miles a minute calculating every possible thing that could ‘go wrong’ or happen to your little one. (A bit of anxiety is normal, but if ever starts to get in the way of your daily life, talk with your doctor.Bridge is a fantastic antidote to anxiety.It calms the mind, helps with headaches, and alleviates stress and mild depression.