
Yoga Articles

Yoga Philosphy and application

There are many philosophies that we learnt during our 200Hr yoga teacher training course at Tirisula Yoga which we can apply in our daily life to lead a happy and balanced life. Most people think yoga as more of exercises that keeps our body fit but during the course, we

Yoga as Mental Science

Traditionally yoga has been described as “Mental Science” by ancient Indian scriptures and texts. Yoga science has many aspects and many people have explained it as per their understanding of the subject. Patanjali has defined yoga as mind control. Lord Krishna has described yoga as “Concentrating the mind to supreme

Yoga and Anatomy

Anatomy is the branch of science concerned with the body structures and its internal workings of living things. During my 200 hours yoga teacher training at Tirisula Yoga, I came to know that understanding of Anatomy is key to avoid injuries during performing asanas. It helps us to understand how

Meditation,Pranayama, Mudra, Kriya

Pranayama is composed of two Sanskrit words “Prana” which means “Universal life force energy or breath” and “Ayama” which means “Regulation”. Pranayama is an ancient practice of yogic breathing techniques that has been used to harness and regulate the breath. The ancient sage Patanjali has explained that the regulation/modification of

Better posture from Yoga

In yoga the main principal is to keep your body aligned. This starts with squared shoulders, but also includes a straight back, open chest and feet flat on the ground. Generally speaking, good posture feels good. Besides stressing the importance of relaxation and breathing, yoga also teaches body awareness through

Yani Mudra

Mudra (hand gesture practice), is ancient technique that we use during Pranayama, Meditation and during the Asana practice. We can use them to connect with ourselves and our emotions, and to help us foster feelings of strength, balance or calm whenever we need it. All mudras have different meanings and
