
My Journey into YOGA

I was first introduced to yoga at home and then in School in India. Despite my dad being such an ardent follower of yoga and a pupil Of Late BKS Iyengar, to me it wasn’t very appealing. However when we did have to choose in School between Yoga and Other Physical Training Exercises i choose yoga as it was something i was familiar with. For my Physical Training exams i could easily do the most difficult asanas with ease. However as i went from School to College i realised i had become quiet stiff with no practice, still i found it to be quiet boring and enrolled in more fun activities. Dancing and acting took center stage.

Years passed and i began to work, got married, moved countries, I had no time for any activities I found it difficult to cope with work and home life. Through it all my dad kept advising me to practice yoga atleast 15 mins a day if not more to get some peace of mind and help me relax. So about 3 yrs back i gave it a shot and started practicing for 10 mins a day once a week and then gradually increased the time and no. of days. Very slowly but surely i began to see the benefits of my practice, It was no longer a mere regime to tone my muscles and increase flexibility but also to find peace in mind and body through various asanas and mindfulness. I found I had become more calmer, more active and easier to condition my mind to a positive outlook.

I still have a long way to go and hence i decided to enter this 200 hrs yoga training to deepen my understanding and improve my knowledge so i can be a better me first to myself and then to others

Sharon Fernandez