
Yoga Articles

The PMS (Physical, Mental and Spiritual of Yoga)

My impression of Yoga before attending this teacher training was that all Yoga is, is an advanced form of stretching. Which it is, and it is just what I need after many years of sitting around in the office. My body is physically tight all over, from head to toe.

In pursuit of pure speech

Clean lines. Minimalist designs. The de-clutter movement aka Marie Kondo.   We are living in times of unprecedented material prosperity, the likes of which our parents and grandparents could only dream of. Yet, for all the material abundance in our modern world, the widespread appeal of an orderly, pared-down-to-the-basics aesthetic

Meditations on Media Extravagancy

“Study broadly, inquire probingly, contemplate carefully, distinguish clearly, practice sincerely.” Confucius, The Doctrine of the Mean   Writings on the wall [1]   I don’t want to be dishonest here and overstate any benefits I’ve gained from classroom study of that assortment of badly translated aphorisms, temporally/ linguistically/ culturally mispositioned

Pranayama and Dealing with Tattoo Pain

     Random cool tattooed yogi [1] First world problems, I know. What with all the world’s best doctors and scientists hard at work developing links between yoga and its effectiveness for use in treatments of REAL pathologies, it’s granted that more inspired topics are to be regulated to the


In Yoga philosophy we learnt the eight limbs of yoga, asht-anga, are yamas (abstentions), niyamas (lifestyle observances), asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption into the Divine).  The goal of yoga is self-realisation, which in some sense is freedom. All of it


It is the lack of control that frightens me. In yoga terminology, I believed I had a rajasic mind – an overstimulated body, unable to keep still, and an anxious mind. I have never thought of myself as a perfectionist. But over time, I realize my need to establish structure

Yoga Philosophy – lessons from the quest of finding oneself

I lost someone special to me when I was 19. In my journey to recognising my true nature, I have come from being lost to reflecting deeply about every circumstances in my life. When yoga became part of my being, I find myself relating my life lessons to its philosophy. 

Yoga Philosophy – Brahmacharya

The Yoga Sutras, also known as The Eight Limbs (Ashtanga) of Raja (King) Yoga, was the first fully developed by Patanjali around 400 CE (Common Era) and recorded system of yoga. The Eight Limbs of Yoga will introduce yogis to the basic of concepts of yoga philosophy which will greatly

When Santosha (being contented) hit me hard!

People always want to have something they don’t have and never feel enough for things they already have. We keep seeking happiness from outside. Me too! When I studied yoga philosophy, this Santosha which is the second of Niyama of the 8 limbs of yoga has hit me hard. Niyama

Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is not only the asana practice. It’s much more and beyond that. It accepts three reality – purusha( consciousness), prakriti (matter) and ishvara (god). It primarily emphasises on the practices and disciplines to control the modification of body, breath, senses and especially control of your mind. Yoga word is
