Anatomy : Chair Pose

Utkatasana – Chair or Fierce Pose. Utkata means Fierce, powerful in Sanskrit. However, it’s commonly known as chair pose as it’s resemble the action and shape of sitting on a chair. Utkatasana activates the largest muscles in your body. It’s engaged the core and improving your thigh strength. Muscles around the thighs, hips and core are engaging strongly into this squatting position. Lifting of the arms overhead will further challenge core strength and engages shoulder muscles. For a person with high blood pressure can put the hands at the hip to avoid blood raises and lighten the load.


Pectoralis major and Serratus anterior engaged to bring the arms over head. Deltoids engaged to abduct the arms to raise up closes to the ears and help to heeled the arms in shoulder flexion. Triceps engages to extend the elbows.


Cervical extensor engage to prevent the head to drop to the front. Upper Trapezius slightly engage to lift scapulae.


Spinal extensor and transversus abdominis engage to stabilized the spine in neutral curves. Rectus abdominis is mostly lengthening and Rhomboids engage with middle and lower trapezius to retract and stabilized scapulae. Latissimus dorsi stretches with shoulder flexion. 

Hip and tights 

Hip flexors, hip adductors, quadriceps and tensor fasciae latae actively engage to stabilized in squatting position. Gluteus Maximus is stretching while engaging to hold the pose. Hamstring flex and stabilized the knees.

Lower legs

Clave muscles including gastrocnemius and soleus engage while lengthening. Ankle Dorsiflexor especially Tibialis anterior is strongly engaged to stabilized the feet and ankles. 

Benefits of practicing Utkatasana:

1. Strengthen thighs (quadriceps and glutes) 

2. Engaging core muscles and increasing core, hip and thigh strength 

3. Stretching clave muscles including gastrocnemius and soleus. Ankle Dorsiflexor especially Tibialis anterior is strongly engaged to stabilized the feet and ankles.

4. Lifting up the arms raising blood pressure and the lumbar load which test the cardiovascular system and core muscles.