
Yoga Articles

Trapezius & Yoga

Trapezius is named for its trapezoidal shape. It is a large, flat, superficial muscle that covers upper back and part of the neck and shoulder area. It has three functional parts:1) Descending (superior)2) Transverse (middle)3) Ascending (inferior)The trapezius has multiple origin and insertion points because of its size. Descending (superior)

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome   Before my YTT journey, I occasionally felt this pain on my upper legs especially when I walked too long, and due to some yoga practice, I thought it was my alignment of my feet and tried to walk abit differently to try things out to make my

Analysis on the Hip Anatomy in Warrior II Pose

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, where it is the largest weight bearing joint in the body. The joint allows for several types of movement in the body: Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation and circumduction. Healthy hips should allow such movements easily, but there are some limitations

The beautiful anatomy activation in Virabhadrasana III pose

Virabhadrasana III in Sanskrit, also known as Warrior 3, is named after the fierce warrior, Virabhadra. It is an intermediate balancing pose in yoga with dynamic standing posture. It requires a lot of focus to maintain a deliberate balance and all the muscles throughout the entire body such as the

Anatomy : Chair Pose

Utkatasana – Chair or Fierce Pose. Utkata means Fierce, powerful in Sanskrit. However, it’s commonly known as chair pose as it’s resemble the action and shape of sitting on a chair. Utkatasana activates the largest muscles in your body. It’s engaged the core and improving your thigh strength. Muscles around

Asanas that Help to Restore Flexion-Relaxation Response in Erector Spinae

The erector spinae muscle group, or also known as lumbar extensors, consists of 3 muscles: spinalis (medial), longissimus (central) and illiocostalis (lateral), extending vertically up the back starting near the sacrum, lying on each side of the vertebral column ((Erector spinae, 2022). Spinalis and longissimus are each further split into

The Anatomy of Urdha Mukha Svanasana

Urdha = upward Mukha = facing Svanasana = dog pose This backbend pose works to a great extend on the arms and shoulders strength. It requires the engagement of the hip flexor, gluteus, pelvic floor muscles, psoas, abdominal muscles, triceps and biceps. This pose is similar to Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).
