
Yoga Articles

Trapezius & Yoga

Trapezius is named for its trapezoidal shape. It is a large, flat, superficial muscle that covers upper back and part of the neck and shoulder area. It has three functional parts:1) Descending (superior)2) Transverse (middle)3) Ascending (inferior)The trapezius has multiple origin and insertion points because of its size. Descending (superior)

Analysis on the Hip Anatomy in Warrior II Pose

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, where it is the largest weight bearing joint in the body. The joint allows for several types of movement in the body: Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation and circumduction. Healthy hips should allow such movements easily, but there are some limitations

Anatomy : Chair Pose

Utkatasana – Chair or Fierce Pose. Utkata means Fierce, powerful in Sanskrit. However, it’s commonly known as chair pose as it’s resemble the action and shape of sitting on a chair. Utkatasana activates the largest muscles in your body. It’s engaged the core and improving your thigh strength. Muscles around

Bhujangasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

I have started my Yoga Journey with Tirisula. While I had been learning many poses I found some poses which are very engaging. These poses has variation and a small change in the pattern makes a big difference. I would like to write about one such variation of poses which


The Magic of Standing Forward Bend I think most of us experienced a friend of ours asking to perform an asana when they first hearing that we are practicing yoga. At most circumstances, I would quietly fold myself forward to a standing forward bend (in Sanskrit, uttanasana) and surprisingly, this

The application of the Cat and Cow Pose

The Cat and Cow Pose is a perfect beginner yoga pose if you are looking to warm up your spine and abdomen. The simple step-by-step instructions would be to to start in “tabletop” position (palms and knees aligned, shoulder distant apart). Center your head in a neutral position, eyes gazing

Hypermobility in Yoga

Have you ever wondered how are some people so naturally flexible? They can walk into a yoga class and without warming up go into a full forward fold. These people may be hypermobile. While they can perform asanas that require flexibility effortlessly, they are also at risk of injuring themselves.


Class batch: RYT200hrs, P/T, Apr – Jun 2017 Project title: Anatomy Project theme: Iliocostalis Project by: Andre Neo Tai Chin I’ve practiced Wall Rope Yoga all along. I was told to ‘Drop down and let go my body’ at the side as one of the poses in Wall Rope Yoga.
