
FT YTT 200 Hours #02

I’ve never thought of one day I could be a yoga teacher. This could sound crazy to me in the past; even a bit for now. I am not at my young age with better flexibility advantage, I am not incredibly physically strong, and I am not a talented yoga practitioner.

And yet, thankfully, I am in my second week of full time YTT 200 hours. No more muscle aching, feeling motivated to wake up early to the class, and I am always happy to learn new thing. I have literally too little time to do anything else other than yoga practicing and study, but I know I should enjoy it now because not many time in your life you have the chance to focus on something wholeheartedly. I am grateful I am doing this everyday.

Amazingly, Sanskrit doesn’t sound like from another planet to me anymore after one week; at least I’ve learned some names of yoga poses in Sanskrit other than just Virabhadrasana. Difficult roads always lead to beautiful destination. And often things ain’t that difficult as it sounds; when you are doing what you love. I would very much want my student to trust me, therefore I am aware that I need to get myself prepare for it. As for now, I just have to trust my teacher and myself and do it, and improve it; whatever it takes. Learning should be a lifelong journey in yoga, together we learn, together we grow.

During yoga practice, I often heard people saying there’s nothing to achieve, just do your best. There’s always something to achieve for me. May be not now, may be later. And now, getting the certificate means a lot to me because I want to be someone that I am proud of; after all the endurance and perseverance, and my passion is always there for yoga; optimistically not just last for 20 days! Mostly importantly, I want to teach the right thing.

Stay strong, regardless which phase of life you’re facing now or if you’re struggling with any unbelievably difficult yoga pose you wish you could strike. Have fun along the way. One day, we will get there.


P.S.: Yoga is always my brightest star in the darkest night.