
The Leap of Faith

Come try yoga with me” – were the words my mother said to me just about a decade ago; the moment I started this journey that has changed my life in many ways.

I started my practice with the intentions to lose weight. I grew up chubby and got sick of getting called names. It went well until i left home for Uni.

I eventually gotten a job that demanded a lot from me and my stress level shot to the top – causing me to be dull and unhappy. I  needed some change in my life.

I was then introduced to the fitness passes and thought of attending classes again –  I never stopped since. I was reminded again on why I enjoyed this so much back then and I knew I didn’t want to stop practicing anymore.

I always had this impression that you needed to be and ultra-yogi to start a course like this – and because I was never confident, it took me awhile to make this decision. With some encouragement from my mom and friends, I decided to take that leap of faith.

It has been 6 classes since, and although I whine like a baby after almost every class, I don’t regret a single moment I spent learning postures the right way and deepening my knowledge.

I cannot believe it has been almost a decade since the first time i step on my mat. It has been an intermittent journey from then till now – but im so happy I started again. Now, I cannot wait for what’s to come in this journey!