
The Plough Pose/Halasana

The Plough Pose/Halasana

I have been going to Yoga classes for 2 years now and one of my most challenging poses was Halasana.Every time I attended a yoga class and the instructor said it was time for Halasana, I would just lie in Savasana.It was that time during a class that I would feel like giving up.

I have just recently overcome my fear of going into Plough pose and managed the pose with such ease just by a little alignment by my teacher Satya Wei Ling.It felt so easy and I realized that your body is capable of much more than you can imagine and you need to have faith in yourself.

There are several challenging poses in Yoga,I keep trying the others several times but this was one pose I didn’t even want to make an effort for. That day after Satya corrected my alignment,I have actually started to enjoy Halasana.

The physical benefits of the pose helped me become more attracted to it.I suffer from indigestion,this pose helps in digestion and also in getting a flexible spine and back muscles among other benefits.I believe yoga only gets better with practice so get on your mat and enjoy your practice.Namaste 🙏🏽 C.Moths