
My Yoga Journey

My Yoga Journey

I started yoga about 2 years ago but my first experience of yoga was a couple of years ago when I was in University in Mumbai and I had a friend who was a follower of BKS Iyenger and wanted me to do yoga regularly but eventually after graduating,we parted ways and I moved to Singapore for my first job and yoga took a back seat.

I have never been fond of any form of fitness and it was not an essential part of my life.Until recently,I discovered a love for fitness and started going to different classes,yoga being one of them.

The first yoga class I attended was very slow and I could not get myself to love it. I then decided to try another studio that my friends were going to and I actually started liking it, going twice a week or more sometimes as my love for yoga grew.

It’s been 2 years now and I am keen to deepen my knowledge on yoga and that’s the reason I signed myself up for the YTT at Tirisula.It was on the list of yoga schools for YTT in Singapore and my gut feeling told me to go for it and I just took the plunge.It is not an easy journey but I am willing to take up the challenge and to explore the yogic world.Namaste🙏🏽 C.Moths