
Yoga Lesson Plans

One more lesson to exam. OMG time really flies; I am sure I will miss my weekends with the girls and having “boot camp” early in the morning – precious memories.

Am glad I signed up this course, no regrets and also grateful to have Master Sree and Master Paalu who guided us patiently 😊

We were taught on how to sequence lessons for the last part of the course and it was an eye opening experience for me because, there were so many things to consider!

Are there any new comers in the class?
Anyone doing Yoga for the first time?
Any medical conditions?
Simple postures which I took for granted might not be suitable for beginners.


The timing for each pose, the sequencing of the pose, the warm up, the opening, the closing, the tone of your voice all needs to be taken into considerations of the class you are teaching.

But the contradictory thing is that after painstakingly planned for 2 classes, I actually enjoy planning the rest of the class, taking note on the type of asanas, which asana comes first, seated first of standing first – so much fun!

But of course, being a student is so much easier.
Be in your Yoga wear, come in time for class and just follow the instructions.
Finish, go home.

New found respect for the teachers.


Oh thru class planning, I found out some of my favorite asanas – Tree, Malasana & Camel!

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