Yoga and Sore Throat

Having a sore throat is a problem that majority of people experience often. It is a sign of a common cold. The most common types of bacteria and viruses that may cause a sore throat are: the rhinovirus, coronavirus and parainfluenza viruses, which normally cause the common cold . Another cause are different types of streptococcal bacteria, which cause streptococcal infection (group A streptococcal bacteria cause 10% of sore throats in adults and nearly a third of sore throats in children).
In Yoga this problem can be addressed as a disballance in Vishhudha chakra.
Visha means impurity, Shuddhi means purification.
This Chakra is situated in the base of the throat and it is also known as the Throat Chakra.
On a physical level, it controls the activity of the vocal cords, of the hearing, of the pharynx and esophagus. Vishuddha chakra is the symbol of sound, dreams and purity.On a psychic level, it governs expression, inspiration in speech, eloquence, and perception of the archetypal models.
Spiritually it is related to the ability of expression, inspiration in speech, and eloquence. Vishuddha chakra symbolizes the pure consciousness, and creativity.
Thus the breath that flows through the throat plays a big role in ballancing and purifying this 5th Chakra in our body.
Ujjai Pranayama is very effective with respect to activating and ballancing that chakra and should be practiced regularly either as a breathing exercise or as the breathing maintained during asana practice .
Jalandhara Bandha is another pranayama that can be very beneficial for stimulating and facilitating the energy flow through the Vishuddha chakra. It is in that way that sore throat can be healed quickly or even prevented.
As the thyroid and para thyroid glands are also located at the same area as the Vishuddha chakra activating and harmonizing this chakra has a beneficial effect on that glands and their function as well.
Pranayama technics, namely Ujjai can be combined with asanas to facilitate the activating and ballansing of the Chakra/ These are asanas that particularly require flexion or extension of the neck, as well as create pressure in the are proximal to the neck like shoulders and chest as well as upper part of the back.
Activating asana would be Sarvangasana. It improves the function of the thyroid, parathyroid glands due to the increase oxygen and blood flow in. This supply of blood to the head area i.e. brain, eyes, ears, nose and throat improves their functioning. Matsyasana is another asana that is good to be practiced for activation of Vishuddha chakra. In that asana extra blood flow in, stimulating and strengthening the throat . This pose just like Sarvangasana has many more positive effects on other parts of the body main of which are the digestive system, respiratory system, the brain. Ushtrasana and Setubandasana have very similar effect on the throat and the head as well as the organs situated there. While performing these asanas the impact will be increased if Ujjai breathing is maintained throughout the posture
After activating the Vishuddha chakra it is necessary to ballance it. Sirasana is suitable for harmonizing it. Halasana helps nourish the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine by increasing circulation and suppleness, releases tension in the neck and throat, alleviates the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses and respiratory system, and gradually assists in lengthening and regulating the breath.
These postures can be performed regularly in order to stimulate the body to fight and resist bacterial and viral infections in the area of the throat. But while healing the sore throat they also bring numerous physical and spiritual benefits to the whole body and the mind. And a ballanced Vishuddha chakra brings calmness, serenity, pure consciousness and pleasant voice. It also brings out the artistic inspiration in the person and awakes the creativity within us.