
Yoga and Philosophy

Yoga’s core belief is that the mind, body, and spirit are all interconnected and cannot be clearly distinguished from one another. The deeper aspects of the body, mind, and spirit can, nevertheless, be explored using a wide range of philosophical concepts. To change our perception of ourselves as distinct and to realise the unitive condition, it is crucial to study and comprehend these concepts.

Similar to Buddhism, yoga philosophy holds that pain is caused by spiritual ignorance, which keeps us trapped on the wheel of samsara (cycle of rebirth). Yoga offers a variety of ways and paths for eradicating our ignorance. However, the main tenets of yoga’s philosophy are on the development of mental discernment, detachment, spiritual knowledge, and self-awareness.

The different paths of Yoga make use of various aspects of Upanishadic non-dualism and Sankhya dualism. Some spiritual practices, such as Tantra and Bhakti, make use of the gods and goddesses of Hinduism. In addition, Ishvara, a personal god, is mentioned in Patanjali’s yoga sutras. A yogi should be aware of the connections between the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva as well as the links between the atman and brahman, prakriti and purusha.

These are the different ways i can apply the different 5 Yamas in my life

  1. Ahimsa – to speak lovingly and kindly to myself (self-love)
  2. Satya – to rechart my course and create a plan of action to set myself on the path to living my best, most authentic life (the ultimate freedom)
  3. Asteya – being punctual, and also practise abundance in my day to day life
  4. Aparigraha – every time i buy something new, let go of something old—give it away, or toss it out. By letting go of things from the past, I can live more fully in the present
  5. Brahmacharya – to pay more attention to what my body is asking for. For example, eating when I am hungry, but not stuffing myself. Resting when I am tired, but not lying in bed all day. Exercising regularly, but not overtraining.

A sustained state of pure awareness known as Moksha or Samadhi is the ultimate aim of yoga. In order to achieve one’s “true self” or “highest self,” one does yoga. Our fundamental nature is this sensation of unadulterated consciousness. All philosophical and mental structures disintegrate in this liberated state. In essence, learning about yogic philosophy is essential for developing one’s yoga practice and reaching enlightenment.