
Yoga Articles

The 6 benefits of Pranayama

6 Benefits of Pranayama (Yogic breathing) The term “Pranayama” comprises two common Sanskirt words of yoga “Prana” and “Ayama”. Prana is the life driving force behind all living beings, present in humans in the form of Vayu or winds. It regulates all physical functions, for example, the breath, the supply of oxygen, digestion,

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

Psychological Benefits of Yoga The fields of psychology and yoga have a lot in common. Psychology is described as “the scientific study of behaviour and mind, including conscious and unconscious occurrences, as well as thought,” while the yoga is defined as “To completely know and be at peace with yourself.

Anatomical analysis of Utkatasana [Muscular System]

In this blog post, I will be discussing the chair pose (or ‘Utkatasana’) from a muscular perspective. The reason that the chair pose was one of the first postures that popped into my mind was that I always felt extremely tired in this pose despite its apparent ‘ease’ – even

Growing through hardships

In Patanjali’s Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, the second limb (Niyama) discusses freedom from all observances. Some of the greatest shackles of our minds lie in our experiences and perceptions of the physical world – how we perceive our bodies, emotions, and challenges in life – and how we let

Pranayama (Benefits / effects)

What is Pranayama?Pranayama is the 4th limb of 8 limbs of yoga. Prana means “vital life force”, and yama means to gain control. Thus, pranayama is abreathing technique used to control and modify the amount, quality, flow, and direction of vital energy in the body. Pranayama is oftendefined as “breath

Analysis on the Hip Anatomy in Warrior II Pose

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, where it is the largest weight bearing joint in the body. The joint allows for several types of movement in the body: Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation and circumduction. Healthy hips should allow such movements easily, but there are some limitations
