
Technical blog on Anatomy (Skeletal & Muscular System – Analysis and application on yoga pose)

Bakasana, known in English as the Crow Pose, helps one develop their strength, flexibility, balance, and agility. Knees are placed on shelf crated by the upper arms, toes are pointed, neck is long, and gaze is forward looking.

At the neck, the cervical extensors are engaged to concentrate gaze looking forward while the cervical flexors are stretched.

Triceps in the arms are engaged when palms are pressed into the floor. The elbow flexors aid in stabilizing the joints. Your hands are stabilized in position with the help of the wrist extensors and wrist flexors. The rotator cuff, pectoralis muscles and serratus anterior muscles helps to stabilize the body in correct alignment.

At the torso, the abdominal muscles and iliopsoas are engaged while the spinal extensors, trapezius, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi stretch.

The hip flexes are engaged to flex the hips while the hamstrings flex the kneed and stretch the quadriceps. Adduction is present here to adduct and stabilize the hips and thighs.

Since our feet need to be pointed in this pose, the plantar flexors in the lower legs are engaged while the dorsiflexors are slightly stretched.

This pose is particular helpful in strengthening the wrist which can be tight due to typing incessantly on our phones or computers. Hence Bakasana helps to stretch the wrist to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.