
Wrist injury – how to prevent

One incident that stopped me from practicing yoga for almost a year was a wrist injury which occured when I was trying to do Crow Pose. At first, I think I jammed my left wrist by putting too much weights on it when it is in the wrong position. This later turned into a tendon inflammation that was so painful and annoying. I literally couldnt hold or life anything with my left hand.

two years from that incident, I’ve recovered 95% from it (still have a triggered left thumb sometimes) , but i think i should share with you how I prepare for it not to happen again, especially during my intensive 200 hour course.


1) do a lot of wrist strenthen practices:

Yes, warm up your wrists is very crucial if you want to do arm balancing poses. Also, you can search on youtube for some particular wrist strengthening exercise and make them stronger beforehand.


2) know well where to put weights on

When doing Arm balancing poses, read, or ask in advance how to allocate weights and focus in different parts of your body. Definitely dont think that your wrists, even after being warmed up or strengthened, should carry the whole weights of your body. Check the alignments of your forearms, your elbow eyes, the distance and angle, to make sure you are doing the pose correctly! 


3) when having to use wrist, utilize the Saddle Joints

Saddle joints are the joints right under your thumb, the vast area fromyour thumb down to your wrist. Use them as the main strength when you have to life yourself up with palms on the floor.

you will feel the difference – less pressure on wrists or fingers, and a stronger force 🙂




Mai Nguyen