
Teaching Yoga-My mantras

Flashback 1 month- Teaching Yoga is cool because the Yoga gurus can do complex postures with ease, look cool, have a fan following.

I’ll be honest that this wasn’t the only reason for me to join Tirisula YTT !!  But as I near the end of the course, to me the world of Yoga teaching is less blurred and one critical realization is  that a lot more is required to be an effective Yoga teacher. It’s not just about being able to do the cool poses but it’s also about learning and understanding the anatomy, the physiology, breathing techniques and asanas!!

And that doesn’t just come with the 200 hr of YTT!! I guess you evolve as a teacher the way you evolve as a student. To me my top 3 mantras for being an effective Yoga teacher being

  1. Discipline: Discipline goes much beyond reaching the class on time. It’s about me doing what I expect my students to do. It is then that I’ll be able to motivate my students and understand their struggles. Sharing experiences is a critical learning tool and this also motivates students to achieve and even exceed their potential.
  2. Staying positive- Get my own Chakras is place. The students can test patience but one needs to stay calm and exude positive energy.
  3. Multitasking and continued evolution- Gauge the level of students (ultra-beginner, beginner, or intermediate) at the same time. Change the lesson plan as per their requirements. Offer precise instructions, breathing techniques, counting and adjustments!

I am sure, me as well as my 3 mantras will evolve as I am currently only at the preliminary phase of Yoga teaching. But as of today, if I am able to contribute to people’s health and well-being, I would have achieved “yo” as a Yoga teacher.
