


I have been struggling with this posture for the longest time! Although I have been practicing yoga (on off) for many years, I still cannot perform a headstand. Oh what a shame!


I developed a desire to learn headstand. Maybe I realized that I cannot be missing this very important asanas (seriously, which yogis doesn’t know how to do a headstand!). With that desire, I went YouTube to search for videos on doing headstand. How is it that it seems so easy for these people to get up? I was admittedly half-hearted when times after times, I still couldn’t get it. I simply couldn’t bring my legs up and balance!


When I started my 200-hours Yoga Teacher Training, we were made to do headstand in almost every lesson. I watched with sinking heart as almost everyone managed to flip themselves upside down, legs straighten soaring to the ceiling. I tried and tried… each time a failed attempt. I just have this psychological barrier that is keeping me from getting up. And when I did go up, it was “kicking” my way up. No control at all.


My helpful and friendly training mate, Angelica, after seeing me struggling with this pose, patiently taught me some techniques of moving the weight to my arms and slowly controlling my movement. It was so useful! I still can’t get my legs up thou, but at least I managed to control the movement!


I started to train everyday on headstand… even when I went for my holiday in Taiwan, I practiced headstand in the hotel room every day. Slowly, from doing my headstand near the wall (yes I need the wall, if not I don’t feel secure!), I finally took up the courage to do it in the middle of the room, without any wall! I fell a couple of times, but well, I guess that’s how we learn to overcome our fears.


Now I am very delighted to be able to control and balance my body movement while getting up to the posture. Although I’m still struggling for my legs to stay on top, or even for them go up sometimes… but alas! The joy is in the process, not the results (as for now!). I believe very soon I should be able to perform this pose with grace!


Sirsasana, commonly known as the head stand pose, is the most important among inverted asanas. In Sanskrit the word ‘sirsha’ means ‘head’ and ‘asana’ means pose. Sirsasana is considered the king of all asanas.


The benefits of headstand are not only physical (reverses the pressure of gravity on the organs helping with many health conditions. It also increases the blood flow to the brain, head and neck region) – the mental benefits are also plentiful. Daily practice of this pose enhances awareness. On a physical level, there are four major systems in the body that are positively influenced by the practice of this inversion pose: cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous and endocrine.  Those suffering from spondylitis, slipped disk and other conditions of the neck and spine; high blood pressure, blood impurities, thrombosis and other heart conditions should avoid this asana.

