
My Yoga Journey πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ New Experiences


As my yoga journey continues, I realized that there are too many things I do not know and I need to be open to step into it.

Firstly, all along I only knew yoga as only one type which is the floor yoga. Only thru Nithyananda Yoga, I was introduced to 3 types of yoga – floor yoga (Prathama Vinyasa Krama <PVK>), rope yoga (Kundalini Raju Yoga), and pole yoga (Shivasthamba Yoga).

After doing floor PVK daily for about 10 months, it was time to proceed to another type of yoga – rope yoga.

We invited a rope yoga master from India to Singapore to teach us rope yoga for 4 days in Jan 2019.

First thing to do was to be in oneness with the rope. It may sound easy but with a logical mind, being oneness instantly requires time. I learnt that one is part of everything. And everything is part of me. Everything that happened to me is what I attracted. No right or wrong, just my beliefs. Simply just rules are set me.

Next was to learn how to use my toes to grip onto the rope and climb up. Fear thoughts started to appeared – pain, instability and no strength etc.

My toes were sore as I was not used to using that part of my body. We have 108 mama points of Ayurveda. By doing rope yoga, one can strengthen mama points which are beneficial to good health. And there is a mama point between the toes where I use to climb up the rope.

To be honest, overcoming the toe pain was my 1st obstacle. It took time and for my first few sessions, I was not really enjoying the session.

My guru asked me to do and there must be a reason. I asked myself why am I doing this?

I started to see my fear of pain. Reflecting the incidents that created this fear pattern. Incidents that I had long forgotten started to appear. The more I do Kundalini Rope Yoga, my fear reduced as the mama point strengthen.

Initially, I could only climb 3 baby steps up on the rope. With weekly practice for 3 months, I could climb up and do a Padmasana on the rope. And 6 months, I could do a simple jump easily.

As I started to search within myself more when doing yoga and my interest in yoga grew. As a result, I planned to attend a weekend yoga teacher course as I was worried about the time I have for work and study at the same time. Time was tight. I was encouraged to attend Tirisula Yoga Teacher Training full time course with Sean & Dorisq as they could assist me when I needed help. So here I am, taking a full time course with them. By far, even though it was stressful juggling work with study, I did enjoyed and did not regret taking a full time course at Tirisula. Everything happens for a reason and I learnt that my samskara has brought me to Tirisula.

I am grateful & thankful to my course mates and my teacher Sree for my journey at TirisulaπŸ™





