
My Yoga Journey ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ Health


My health was not the best when I was younger. Mainly 2 issues – severe menstrual cramps in my teens and poor digestion including lactose intolerance.

During my teens, I had severe menstrual cramps. Literally I can only lie on belly to rest with a pale face. Teachers would sent me to sick bay just by looking at my face.

I was determined not to be dependent on painkillers and over the years, I had been searching for natural remedies. I believed that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) would help me. Tried a few and finally found one at a medical hall in Clementi.

With persistence and dedication, for about 4 years my menstrual cramp decreased and even disappeared by changing my diet including taking TCM.

As I was travelling pretty intensively for business trips 10 years ago, I couldnโ€™t keep brewing my TCM when I was in overseas. I then had the same prescription changed to powder form but it didnโ€™t worked as well. My stomach absorbed nutrients better in liquid form. I then foundย ย therapeutic essential oils as a substitute to TCM as it is time consuming. It worked well and will apply essential oils once awhile.


After 1 month of daily yoga since 5th March 2017, I started to realize that I didnโ€™t need anything – neither TCM nor essential oils, and the result is no more menstrual cramps! After 3 months, I didnโ€™t have any Pre Menstrual Symptoms (PMS). I never thought this day of being free from pain was just simply changing my lifestyle – To have it without any PMS was like extra bonus! Until one had suffered enough, then one will change and appreciate the freedom๐Ÿ™

In addition to doing yoga, most of the days I took sattvic food and was losing weight gradually – around 8 to 10kg in weight when I changed my lifestyle towards a yogic one. For the past one and half year, I was fortunate to had done few Kriyas, Dhauti, Chakra cleansing, and Meditation as suggested by my guru. Now my digestion is improving and I am slowly eating vegetables that I had been avoiding for years.

Be it for whatever reason, I would highly recommend anyone whom truly love oneself to go towards Yogic lifestyle as the benefits that one could gain is be beyond one’s imagination if one is open-minded. My current health is way better than 10 years ago. And I have never looked back since๐Ÿ™


I learnt not to take my health for granted. Am grateful!


Nithyanandamย  ๐Ÿ™



