
My benefits from daily practice

There is only a couple of days to go before I complete my first 200 hours of YTT. I have noticed some changes in myself during the past almost 20 days…

-I am much more aware of the inhalation and exhalation of my breath and also the breathing of others around me and how that reflects their state of mind

-I have more patience with my children and I am able to pause before reacting thus making a better choice in my response

-I am thinking about what I really want instead of rushing through each day trying to crowd out any thoughts that may bring discomfort

-I am more considerate of what I am choosing to fuel my body and have drastically reduced my intake of sugar, processed foods and alcohol

-My posture has improved and my skin is clearer

I have absolutely benefited from doing yoga everyday for one month and I will endeavor to practice Sadhana to maintain the benefits that Yoga has given me…