Karma Yoga

Pop culture loves the word “karma”. Here’re some examples of how the buzzword has been used: 

Funny but commonly misused, Karma isn’t actually a concept centred around punishment or vengeance.

Karma is a Sanskrit term that loosely translates to “action”. It’s a natural law that ties someone’s motive to act, the act itself, the reaction and consequence together. In other words, our life is shaped according to how we think and act. 

It isn’t a vindictive system of punishment, but a reminder that the past, present and future are connected, and that we have the free will to create our own destiny. 

Karma yoga, as we learnt in class, is one great way by which we can grow in our practice and achieve yoga. 

Karma yogis always act with enthusiasm and intensity. They act continuously with no interruption, without any expectations for specific results. For example, one can maintain consistent practice of yoga without asking how that will benefit them personally, or study to become better teachers without attaching to the outcome that we must be good teachers or liked by students.

Karma yoga thus ensures that selfish desires don’t interfere with the act of working itself. 


For that, I did actually find a good poster online: