
How and when I meditate:

Having no time to meditate is an excuse. Because you can meditate anywhere.
Putting your thoughts aside helps you to calm your body and mind.
I have tried to meditate at least once a day.
• After my yoga practice
• In the bus on my way to work
• On the bed before my sleep
• Putting my gal to sleep (then fall asleep together)
• While sitting on the toilet seat (opps!)

Putting away your mobile, no Instagram/ Facebook!
• Close your eyes and relax
• Take deep breaths in and out
• Remove all thoughts and focus on your breathing
• Sometimes I play peaceful music and focus on the music
• Stay still for at least 3-5mins for a start and slowly lengthen if you are still awake.

Everyone can do it.

# Mediation. Relax and Breath