
My Entrance to Yoga

My first experience with YOGA started in my 20s when a group of my sports enthusiast friends drag me along for a 10 session Hatha yoga class at the Sports Councils. Initially, I was a little hesitant about joining the YOGA class because due to my ignorance and under the influence advertisement, I always had this impression that YOGA are more for ladies then for guys and not being a person who in favour of exercise, YOGA is definitely not my choice too.

Soon, I was won over after some persuasions and explanation that Hatha Yoga is a milder form of exercise with lots of benefits not only physically but also mentally and is suitable for anyone of age, gender.

Though diligently completed the 10 session of YOGA class, due to hectic work schedule, I did not carry on with the class but do self-practise as and when I am free.

During the years of self-practice, taking up a Yoga Teacher Training Course has always been my intent. The intent to learn more in depth about YOGA and to do volunteer teaching at Elderly homes or any VWOs. With this intent, I start picking up YOGA again in 2015 under an inspiring instructor.

Here I am, Tirisula Yoga 200hrYTT, in 2016.