
Yoga Articles

Meditation meaning and benefits

Meditation meaning and benefits Meditation Meditation is also mentioned in the Ashtanga 8 limbs of yoga, particularly Dhyana. Like the physical practice of yoga, dhyana also forms a profound connection with the universe by doing mental exercises to bring you to a higher state of consciousness. This connection happens in

Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy – to your own story As a student, practitioner, and soon-to-be teacher, the philosophy of yoga has allowed me to create a deeper awareness; gaining awareness within, of oneself and with the interactions with the world. Yoga is not just bound to postures and alignments or the physical

Does your yoga attire affect your physical or mental state of yoga?

Yoga studios in Singapore do not have a set attire for yoga practitioners to wear, but states that they should be dressed comfortably in appropriate attire for movement. Generally women attending yoga classes would be dressed in tight fit spandex, slim tight fit tights and a sports bra. Does this

Meditations on Media Extravagancy

“Study broadly, inquire probingly, contemplate carefully, distinguish clearly, practice sincerely.” Confucius, The Doctrine of the Mean   Writings on the wall [1]   I don’t want to be dishonest here and overstate any benefits I’ve gained from classroom study of that assortment of badly translated aphorisms, temporally/ linguistically/ culturally mispositioned

Towards a Better Frog – A Technical Analysis

   Frog on the ledge, contemplating life [1] Ah, downward facing frog. So deceptively simple. So excruciatingly painful. The thought of sitting through another minute of it makes me consider just ending it all.  Does absolute wonders for your hips though.   Frog Pose – Overview Not to be confused

Pranayama and Dealing with Tattoo Pain

     Random cool tattooed yogi [1] First world problems, I know. What with all the world’s best doctors and scientists hard at work developing links between yoga and its effectiveness for use in treatments of REAL pathologies, it’s granted that more inspired topics are to be regulated to the

Practical Application of the 3 Gunas in Food and Dating

“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War The three Gunas describes 3 basic qualities or tendencies that groups states (harmony, activity, chaos), attitudes (positivity, self-centeredness, apathy) and dispositions (peacefulness, dynamism, ignorance) that is generally encountered together in daily life. This system provides

4 ways to get your family into yoga

Yoga has had a such a positive impact on my health and mental well-being that I’m an enthusiastic advocate of the practice.  Give me a willing listener, and I’ll gladly share my story of how yoga has helped me.  While I’ve converted by husband into a fellow yogi, it has

The Science of Pranayama

What is Pranayama? Pranayama is the process by which the prana (or breath) is controlled or regulated. It comes from 2 Sanskrit words: “prana” which means life energy and “Ayama” which means extend/draw out. Some scripts also mention that it comes from the word “Yama” which means control.   I’d
