
Yoga Articles

8 Limbs of Yoga : Niyama

In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Niyama is the second limb of the 8 limbs of yoga. Niyama means rules, guideline or observances. Niyama is the practice that you concentrate to yourself and expose to external from within. There are five practices for Niyama includes; Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Swadhyaya and Ishvara pranidhana.

Beyond Asana: 8 Limbs of Yoga – Yama

Yoga is not just about asana. According to the Yoga Sutra, compiled by Patanjali Maharishi, the practices of Ashtanga yoga or Raja yoga can be divided into 8 limbs, which form the foundation that guides yogis to Samadhi, the super conscious state. Yama is the first limb of the eight.

The PMS (Physical, Mental and Spiritual of Yoga)

My impression of Yoga before attending this teacher training was that all Yoga is, is an advanced form of stretching. Which it is, and it is just what I need after many years of sitting around in the office. My body is physically tight all over, from head to toe.


Yoga, union of body and mind. ‘The thousands of journey begin with one step’ – Lao Tze. We often learn one or two ancient philosophy quote as we grow up and this particular one influences me the most because I wouldn’t have accomplish many things in my life if I was

Yoga is LIT

“Yoga is a lifestyle. Do not refine your life for yoga, but let yoga refine your life” – Master Sree. I wish I could put into words to show how much this statement has increasingly held true in my life, over the course of consistent yoga practice for a month

Fly High and Invert in Aerial Yoga

Yoga is my true love but Aerial Yoga comes pretty close too. If I’m not on my mat doing yoga flows, you can find me swinging on a hammock, doing new tricks and turning upside down.     What is Aerial Yoga? Aerial Yoga is known as Anti-gravity yoga and shares

The First 2 Limbs of Yoga

The First 2 limbs of Yoga   I have chosen to write my blog about the first 2 limbs of yoga because these 2 concepts and each compartment within them really interest me and they are ideas that I have been trying to apply into my life in the last

What is trauma-informed yoga?

Trauma-informed yoga is a contemporary form of yoga focused on creating a conducive practice space for survivors who have experienced various forms of trauma in their lives. These traumas can include child abuse survivors, domestic abuse or sexual assault survivors, veterans and more. The principle behind creating a conducive practice

Power of ‘OM’

I have always wondered why Yoga sessions always begin and end with OM chanting, and what does it actually mean? And here’s what I’ve learnt. OM, also can be spelt and pronounced as AUM, is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. It is a basic, yet sacred sound of the

Dip your toes into yoga philosophy

Yoga philosophy, specifically Patanjali’s yoga, consists of a set of guidelines for one to live a morally disciplined and purposeful life, in order to advance along a spiritual path towards enlightenment. Yoga poses, or asanas, are simply a part of these guidelines. The other parts include Yamas and Niyamas, roughly
