Yoga Articles

Yoga in life

I feel that every school needs to teach yoga.  Through the past 5 days I have learnt that yoga is so much more than just the asanas(physial practice). It’s about life-how to live,  the human body, mind, spirituality, philosophy. I’m so eager to learn more, and at the same time

Where is the East?

So I ask myself.. is part of our yoga journey learning what physically we can and cannot do or are we supposed to believe that if we continue with our yoga practice that we will one day be able to accomplish those asanas that we think we are incapable of?


WHAT IS YOGA? Master Trainer Sree popped this question to me!!! I tried to give him the answer how I understand from my Guru, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashiva:  Yoga is about Union between God and man.  Hard to grasp this concept, isn’t it? Well, let us go back to the

The Ultimate Authentic Yoga

My Yogic Journey started all because of Haritakki Powder.   I was so frustrated with “not feeling anything” from most of the metaphysical courses that I have attended in the past 14 years.   Then a friend suggested that perhaps I should unblock my third eye. So, I started looking

Learning to Swim!

So ‘why are we here’ is something that we have been exploring in our YTT and we have all been looking inward to identify our personal qualities. This has been an experience that has been both emotional and enlightening for me. I have for many years spent time looking inward

What is Yoga ??

Before I took up YTT, I did my yoga in the commercial gyms (LM Bodybalance, Hot Yoga, Yoga Flow etc). To me, yoga is just a series of stretches and fanciful movements. Friends love taking nice yoga poses outside Marina Bay Sands and post them on Instagram. SHOWOFF ! After


A yogacharya (pronounced “yo-ga-char-ya”) is the respectful way to address a yoga teacher. Sure, you can call them a “yogi” as well and that is completely acceptable too! As a part of the 200 hours YTT course, we’re all learning to become yogacharyas and for us all, there is a

How to implement the yogic system in our daily lives? I

With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we tend to find it hard to calm our minds and settle comfortably within ourselves. Social norms and rules have also shaped us to be extra critical not only of others but of ourselves too. Which is why the need for

How to include yoga in our daily routine – Part 1

For years, I have always felt good and at peace after each yoga practice and I think that is what yoga is about. It was only until this course that I realized there is much more than asanas! Hence, I would definitely like to add more yoga into my daily

Yogic Principles in Daily Life – Part 2

Years ago a yoga teacher once told me that “Yoga without the breath is just a circus act”. This really resonated with me at the time and solidified early on in my practice, how integral the breath is when practicing yoga. During my TTC I learnt that not only is
