
Yoga Articles

Meditation Tips

Meditation has always been on the radar for its positive side effects on our lives in today’s world. COVID-19 has taken a huge toll of many of our lives when we were forced to be isolated in our homes and not allowed to do social interactions with others during the

Om : Chanting and Calmness

According to Yoga sutra by Patanjali, he says, “Repeat and meditate on the sound of Om: It brings about the disappearance of all obstacles and an awakening of a new consciousness.” What are the obstacles? In the next sutra, Patanjali says, “Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, delusion, impotency and

Let the flow of life refine me. Let yoga refine me.

The path of awakening can sometimes get really lonely.. the silence and company of nature can really bring about deep rooted emotions from the heart – shaking and waking one from within. when it’s calm again, from within – true liberation comes. no more fighting, just truth and trust. i

Meditations on man’s best friend

Yoga is littered with all sorts of dog memes inspired by asanas named after man’s best friend  – puppy pose, downward- and upward facing dog being the obvious ones. I suspect that the yoga gurus who named these asanas probably lived in close proximity to dogs and might even have

Writing Meditation

Writing Sri Rama Jayam is known as Likitha Japam- Writing Meditation. Writing the same word over and over again sounds a lot like old school punishment when I was a kid. But I’m informed by articles that I find on the Internet that it can give one a sense of surrender

Knock knock. Who’s there really?

“Study thy self, discover the divine.” – Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, 2.44. In the 8 limbs of yoga, Pantanjali asks that we trust our true nature is what we are seeking for. The Sanskrit term, Svadhyaya, translates to “self-study”; “Sva” means “own” or “self”, and “adhyaya” means “learning” or “studying”.  Look within,

The PMS (Physical, Mental and Spiritual of Yoga)

My impression of Yoga before attending this teacher training was that all Yoga is, is an advanced form of stretching. Which it is, and it is just what I need after many years of sitting around in the office. My body is physically tight all over, from head to toe.

Meditations on Media Extravagancy

“Study broadly, inquire probingly, contemplate carefully, distinguish clearly, practice sincerely.” Confucius, The Doctrine of the Mean   Writings on the wall [1]   I don’t want to be dishonest here and overstate any benefits I’ve gained from classroom study of that assortment of badly translated aphorisms, temporally/ linguistically/ culturally mispositioned

Pranayama and Dealing with Tattoo Pain

     Random cool tattooed yogi [1] First world problems, I know. What with all the world’s best doctors and scientists hard at work developing links between yoga and its effectiveness for use in treatments of REAL pathologies, it’s granted that more inspired topics are to be regulated to the
