
Yoga Articles

Amazing benefit of Pranayama for Hypertension

Pranayama Pranayama is the yoga practice of focusing on breathing. Prana in Sanskrit means “life force/energy” and Yama means “control”. The breath is a representation of Prana, and Pranayama is the conscious control of breathing in order to lengthen and expand the vital life force energy. Pranayama is commonly used

The beautiful anatomy activation in Virabhadrasana III pose

Virabhadrasana III in Sanskrit, also known as Warrior 3, is named after the fierce warrior, Virabhadra. It is an intermediate balancing pose in yoga with dynamic standing posture. It requires a lot of focus to maintain a deliberate balance and all the muscles throughout the entire body such as the


As an avid yoga consumer and a current YTT student, I wanted to learn what’s the global yoga industry’s potential and how it has evolved in the past years. Here’s what’s I found and I’d like to share with you:    Did you know that currently the global yoga studio

What if everything happens for a reason?

I could say that I had fallen into yoga accidentally when more than one year ago I was offered a trial class. And now, for almost 3 weeks I have been practicing yoga regularly in my daily life. For me, yoga is not a physical performance, it is rather a

Sharing is caring

After a long day at the sports camp, my son came back home tired and very nervous. He found me practicing Surya Namaskar and he started asking me a lot of questions such as what I was doing and why I was saying those funny names while doing yoga. I

Yoga and me

The first time I went to a yoga studio, I was mainly in a search of a well-being. Quite quickly, I found out that the more I was doing yoga the more I was becoming aware of my body. Very quickly my mind followed, yoga allowed me to feel better

Food for thought

The nutrition is directly linked to the performance of asanas and our lifestyle in general. The yogi diet is based on Ayurvedic teachings. Some products are strictly forbidden by them, others are consumed in small quantities and in a certain period of time, and third yogis eat constantly. Three types

Yoga or Pilates?

For many people , Yoga and Pilates look very similar – there are no power or cardio loads, exercises are performed slowly and consciously , with calm music. Pilates and yoga are wellness systems that include exercises to develop flexibility, endurance, and concentration. Regular exercises tidy up the body, allow

Meditation.Self Journey

For me yoga was always about physical practice. I have never done meditation at home and was skipping that “boring part of yoga” in yoga classes. But after some time, part of me has developed feeling that I maybe missing something. So when I signed up for Tirisula yoga teacher

Yoga and menstruation: should I or shouldn’t?

Is it possible to do yoga with menstruation?What to do if you decide to actively start learning yoga? Does every month have to lose a week of precious time? Not at all. Moreover, yoga during menstruation is not only not harmful, but also beneficial. Of course, subject to some precautions
