
Yoga Articles

Practical Application of the 3 Gunas in Food and Dating

“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War The three Gunas describes 3 basic qualities or tendencies that groups states (harmony, activity, chaos), attitudes (positivity, self-centeredness, apathy) and dispositions (peacefulness, dynamism, ignorance) that is generally encountered together in daily life. This system provides


It is the lack of control that frightens me. In yoga terminology, I believed I had a rajasic mind – an overstimulated body, unable to keep still, and an anxious mind. I have never thought of myself as a perfectionist. But over time, I realize my need to establish structure

How yoga improves my self-awareness

In yoga, we learn to pay our attention to the body when performing a variety of yoga poses, whether our back is lengthened or rounded, our chest is opened or collapsed, our core is actively engaged or relaxed, our hips are squared or slanted, our pelvis is tilted anterior or

I tried a pure Sattvic diet for 4 days and this is what happened

What is the Sattvic diet?  Yogic diet builds on the principles of purity, bringing inner peace to the body and mind. Food is being classified into 3 categories – Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic (refer to illustration below). The aim of my 4 days experiment was to explore if diet can

Benefits of Aloe Vera (Internal & External)

Well, we all know that Aloe Vera is widely used in skin care products. It has therapeutic qualities and has been used for many centuries by Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Chinese, Indians. Aloe Vera does not belong to cactus family because of its fleshy long leaves have thorns. They belong to

Healthy Diet


Internal cleansing secrets to a healthier and longer live

According to the Global Wellness Institute (GWI), the global wellness economy is currently valued at $4.5 trillion with wellness expenditure totalling up to more than half as large as total global health expenditure at $7.8 trillion. From circadian lighting to circadian diets to apps that utilise timed light doses to

A Positive Pranic Snack

Living a balanced healthy life, from my point of view, it has to start with the basics in place: food, exercise and sleep. Yoga is key on the excercise front from a physical, spiritual and mental perspective. It is never easy to get all in balance. See if I can

Ash Gourd – High Prana Food

Ash gourd, also known as Benincasa hispida, winter melon, wax gourd, white pumpkin, and Chinese watermelon, is a fruit native to parts of Southern Asia. It grows on a vine and matures into a round or oblong melon that’s approximately the same size and color as a watermelon. Immature ash

Pranic Food

In yogic philosophy, Prana which is a Sanskrit word that has a number of interpretations in English, including “life force,” “energy” and “vital principle” is also known as Chi or Ki in other traditions. All living beings have the innate ability to absorb and utilize Prana to sustain life. Food
