
What is the common point between a roller coaster and sweat?

How to feel old and young at the same time? Start your 200h of YTT!
I am feeling old when my body is painful during the physical postures and mostly, when I wake up in the morning.

On the other hand, I am feeling young or quite new in front of all this knowledge I have to learn. Like a child when he begins school, if I remember well.

Before coming the first day, I had a lot of uninteresting questions such as: will my level of English be enough? will my classmates like me? will my body be strong enough to tolerate a lot of training? did I take the right stuff with me? etc.

At the end of the day, I had more and more questions. But certainly the most important was asked by Sree: WHAT DO YOU NEED?
And the answer was… a blank. What I really need? Good question. However, this question seems simple, right?

Is the physical part the hardest during this training? Not sure. The philosophical part forces you to ask yourself and answer basic questions that you no longer pay attention to. Or that you avoid paying attention. 🤯

I guess this whole month will be an emotional and physical roller coaster. A roller coaster full of sweat💦. Yes, because yoga is sweating from your body AND sweating from your brain, too. After one week, I can tell I am ready for both: the roller coaster and the sweat.

Yoga is sweating from your body AND sweating from your brain.

Last weekend, my friends told me that something already changed. Maybe because I am just currently doing what I have been waiting for for years and what I need. There is no blank anymore. For at least 3 more weeks.