Yoga Articles

What Yoga is Teaching me

  Presence: Follow the Butterflies “Problems can’t exist within the present moment” – Echart Tolle Our attention goes where our focus are. If you know me for the last 5 to 7 years you might not believe that I once had a considerable amount of negativity I was carrying around

Love Yourself

Love Yourself Yoga and Lifestyle   Dragging along a yoga mat along throughout the day while commuting around using public transport that is packed with people like canned food. Rushing off from work during lunch time or after work to the studio for yoga classes. Spending time on the weekends

Putting Yourself First: Learning When to Let Go

My first two months of 2014 (especially February) were crazy. Crazy packed. It was the start of my journey in the fitness industry. I appreciate and love what I was doing and I’m extremely grateful for the many opportunities. Not many people can study and work at the same time
