Relationship Tips from a Yoga Master #1

In recent times we have been hearing of people or couples (celebrities or common man) falling to prey to failed relationships. The latest in this saga is Tiger Woods who was hammered by his wife with a golf iron and later being admitted to the hospital. You may even encounter someone within your family who has undergone or is undergoing a failed relationship.
Most relationships which fail will go through a legal process called divorce or separation. This causes hardship for both couples as well as their children (if any) or their close relations (like parents).
In an effort to stamp this growing trend of failed relationships without becoming a slave to it, we have designed a program to help couples harness their potential within and live peacefully.
In this 10 day program, we design steps to help you get out of the rut and back to action. Please look out for this blog in the upcoming days to seek help.
Good day see you again tmr.