

When I decided to enroll for the Yoga Teacher’s Training at Tirisula, my sole purpose was to learn how to teach yoga. In fact, a blueprint was already conceived in my mind. It will be like a retreat to my farm where the participants can practice yoga, eat healthy, experience sustainable lifestyle and connect with nature. I wanted to create a community where people of all walks of life can visit my farm and find a sense of refuge or relaxation through yoga. I never wanted to spend 70% of my life in the corporate world. There is nothing wrong working in the corporate world as it allows me to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, but I always felt I am missing out on something.

I wanted to travel, live a somewhat nomadic life like living in one country for six months to one year then move to another country and climb different mountains all over the world. Yoga is my passport! Over the course of time, I began to internalize my purpose, teaching yoga is one and another purpose had blossomed (or re-blossomed).

I am not a religious person, but I acknowledge that there is someone or something higher to which I gravitate. I always feel that I am guided and protected. I think at some point in a person’s life, you seek the purpose of your existence which is one way or another related to spiritual journey. I think my spiritual journey had started a long time ago but it stayed stagnant as I sailed through the corporate ladder and now is the time to re-ignite the engine.

To be honest, I have not figured out my purpose yet but I am looking forward to it as I live each day without worrying about the past and the future.