
Perfect Asanas

After finally enrolling myself for the Yoga Teacher Training with Tirisula Yoga, I was ready to deepen my five years on and off practice on the mat. Little did I know that it would be that tough, physically and mentally. It’s just plain hard work 🙂

I discovered that it’s all about pushing your own limits on the mat (with care, yoga is not about injuring yourself) as well as off the mat. That you need to change your lifestyle, that Yoga and Pranayama practice has to become your daily routine, your philosophy of life.

The chances to grow on your mat are often hidden at a place where it is unpleasant (oh the muscle pain everyday), in each asana I have the possibility to seek where my physical limits are. Sometimes I have the feeling never to be able to master a certain asana, for example Padmasana (Lotus) or Ustrasana (camel pose), but it takes patience and the willingness to challenge yourself to go one little step further every time you try a certain asana. And to breathe! Never forget to breathe!!! It’s a happy moment when you feel that your body can take more than you think and that it feels more open, strong and flexible after a while.

But the most important thing of all is to remind myself that I have to focus on the longer journey, rather than focusing on the perfect posture.


200hr YTT January 2017