
Yoga Articles

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis syndrome   Before my YTT journey, I occasionally felt this pain on my upper legs especially when I walked too long, and due to some yoga practice, I thought it was my alignment of my feet and tried to walk abit differently to try things out to make my

Analysis on the Hip Anatomy in Warrior II Pose

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, where it is the largest weight bearing joint in the body. The joint allows for several types of movement in the body: Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation and circumduction. Healthy hips should allow such movements easily, but there are some limitations

Why you can’t do Reverse Prayer if you have BIG muscles

Reverse prayer, also otherwise known as Penguin Pose or Pashchima Namaskarasana. It helps to improve flexibility in the shoulders, arms, wrists, chest and back. Supposedly easy to learn, and quick to do – for most. However for some, it looks like they have to pop their arms out to achieve

Take flight in Tittibhasana.

Tittibhasana (also known as the firefly pose) Pronunciation: Tit-tee-ba-sa-na Tittibhasana is an advanced arm balancing pose from the Ashtanga Intermediate Series involving strength, flexibility, balance and a whole lot of Tapas (aka determination). As intimidating as it looks, it is not impossible. I mean how many asanas and mind-blowing Yoga

Towards a Better Frog – A Technical Analysis

   Frog on the ledge, contemplating life [1] Ah, downward facing frog. So deceptively simple. So excruciatingly painful. The thought of sitting through another minute of it makes me consider just ending it all.  Does absolute wonders for your hips though.   Frog Pose – Overview Not to be confused

Chaturanga dandasana: Simple but challenging

Chaturanga dandasana is an often practiced but frequently under-appreciated asana in yoga. In my own experience, I had been practicing yoga for several years before I had a teacher spend time in class to break down the pose and explain all the parts that go into getting it right. Before

Impact of Our Warriors

Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1) Practising this asana brings a whole host of benefits: It strengthens your spine & back muscles and relieves backache, lumbago and sciatica. Tones the abdominal muscles. Relieves acidity and improves digestion. Strengthens the bladder and corrects a displaces uterus. Relieves pain and heavy flow during menstruation.

Ah, the almighty backbend

Upward Bow Pose – Urdhva Dhanurasana I still remember the first time I was introduced to upward bow pose during my Ashtanga Yoga class last year. Lying on my back, I tried to figure out the pose by observing other students. All of a sudden, the young lady next to

Simple Yoga Poses to Make Your Cramps Feel Better

I’m sure many woman (like myself) would experience cramps or some discomfort during their time of the month. Doing exercise would probably be the last thing on our list. However, some yoga positions are so effective at relieving menstrual pain that once you attempt them, they can be integrated into
