
My Yoga Journey

I started Yoga back in 2017 because I had minor back pains due to my physically demanding job as a flight attendant back at that time. I signed up for a 1 year package at a yoga studio, in hopes of stretching my muscles and preventing any more back problems. I attended mostly stretch and beginner yoga classes around 4 times a month for a year. It was useful, and when coupled with more proper movement precautions when working, my back pains decreased. With yoga, I was able to increase my range of motions and flexibility. I also gained more body awareness and with some core control, I was better able to protect my back while working. 

As I transitioned to a corporate job, my life became sedentary and I was looking for a way to keep myself active, Yoga once again came to my rescue. I had  signed up for a classpass package and started exploring different exercises and studios. I tried boxing, spin and barre, but decided I still preferred yoga the best. I dislike cardio exercise, and I found yoga to be the only exercise that could increase my heart rate, and make me break out a sweat without realising I am ‘sweating’. Thus making me do cardio which I dislike and normally cannot maintain doing. It was a great way for me to keep fit in a way that I like. 

After practising yoga for a while, I also realised that I usually walk out of yoga class being in a better mood than I was walking in. This was especially helpful when I attended yoga class after a busy and stressful day at work. I find that the 1 hour physical practice allows me to practise dharana. As I fully concentrate on doing the asanas, and focus on my breathing, I was able to keep my mind off any distraction, and immerse myself in practice for that hour. After practice, I usually find my mind to be clear and relieved of stress. I feel refreshed, calm, peaceful and happy. I find this amazing because I had expected myself to feel ‘tired’ after the physical workout, but instead, I feel less tired than before the class. I always walk out of the yoga studio to the bus stop with light steps and feeling thankful that I came to practice. 

During the Circuit Breaker period in Singapore last year, I found myself practising yoga daily using the ‘Downward Dog’ application on my iPad. It helped me keep fit physically, gave my day structure and was something for me to look forward to. It helped keep my mind clear. 

As the pandemic affected my job, I found myself out of a job and being lost as to what to do, yoga and this Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), once again, came into my life and gave me a daily purpose for this month of joblessness. This YTT surprised me with the amount of Yoga theory and philosophy that we learn. I was surprised as I had expected it to be more focused on asanas. However, I am also surprised as these unexpected teachings and knowledge seemed to have come at an extremely timely period of my life. I am very grateful for this.

This is my yoga journey so far, and I know I will be happy wherever yoga brings me next.