
My Yoga Journey πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ


Yoga was something I wanted to learn many years ago (around 10 years ago). I attempted 2 free trials within that year but I felt it was not the right place where I should start.

Either it was too far or timing was not suitable, I just could not find anything. So my yoga journey was on hold until my guru 🌟 Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam came into my life πŸ’

When I was at his adheenam in Bangalore, India on December 2017, yoga was part of the program. At that time, I had very poor back posture due to long hours of driving. To give an idea how poor it is, my masseur told me my right back is protruding out while the left has sunken in. Due to my occupation as a driver πŸš• , regular massage was part of my weekly routine but it only relieved the muscle tension for a short time. After doing basic Nithyananda Yoga daily and Kriyas at his adheenam for almost one month, my body felt so relieved. From that day onwards, I knew Yoga will be part of my life.

With my guru’s blessings, he arranged a Yoga Acharya (initiated facilitator) to be based in Singapore. That is it! It is a sign to take up the 21 day’s yoga course. Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  No more excuses for me not to start yoga.

On 5th March 2018, I officially started my yoga journey. In order to obtain best result, I was encouraged to do my yoga with these 2 conditions for the next straight 21 days.

Firstly, I got to be on sattvic diet. It was challenging for me as it is not easily available in Singapore. Either I get it at Little India, cook myself or on liquid diet – Nirahara Samyama. Well, I chose to cook some 🌽, take fruits πŸ’ and organic alternative milk drink 🍡.

Next, I need to clean my body using Pancha Kriya. Lucky for me, this was not an issue as I had started Pancha Kriya since I went to India.

Now looking back after one and half year later, the changes I attained from Nithyananda yoga was way beyond my imagination. I am thankful and grateful to my guru for guiding me to the traditional yoga as I definitely gained better health and feel more calm than before





