
My Yoga Journey πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Asanas


My Nithyanada Yoga journey began with 108 asanas.

For the first few days, I struggled with more than half of the asanas.

I realized that it is not about our physical size when one is unable to do the asanas. Until I learn Nithyananda Yoga, my idea was that my physical body needs to be slim to do the asanas. There were 6 of us taking the 21 days and when doing the asanas, I pondered when I could not do the asanas while some could.

I particularly remembered Kakasana (Crow Pose) where my fellow class mate did it effortlessly on his first attempt, and he was much bigger in size. Despite my few attempts in class, my knees could not remain on the arms. Thinking it was something wrong with me, I went home that night and kept doing Kakasana. Only to realised that I was creating self-harm to myself when the Nithyananda Yoga Acharya saw my bruised arms the next day. From then onwards, I learnt to be non-violent or Ahimsa to my body.

My next challenging asanas were all the inverted poses – Gohi, Sirsasana (Head stand), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Hand stand). My fear of heights, instability, & uncertainty all came out!!!

To overcome this, Acharya then made us do alot of rolling and then slowly roll with cushions surrounding the yoga as protection. After lots of attempts and with guru protection, I was able to improve and eventually do most of the asanas. Gohi being the easiest of all inverted pose was the first asana that I could do in about 25 weeks with daily practice. To me, it was a great achievement as I never thought I could do with so much fear in me.

There has been updates in the Nithyananda Yoga few months ago, and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Hand stand) has been removed to the next level. Therefore, I had stopped practicing it since, and start to focus to other new asanas. I believe that each asanas will help me to achieve the another asanas. As long as I continue doing yoga, Pancha Kriya, and take Sattvic food, I know it will bring me to the path of Nirvana.

I am grateful to my guru 🌟 Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam for his guidance & protection πŸ™


NithyanandamΒ  πŸ™



