

(continuation of INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1)-
PADANGUSTHANA (Forward Bend With Bound Toe) – Hips and shoulder square. Raise arm above the head and bend forward, using both the bandhas (Muladhara and Udiyana). Bend from hips lengthening the spine. Tailbone to the ceiling. Engage knee cap (quadriceps). Pull elbow outwards, stretching abs into the thighs, face into shinbone.
PADAHASTASANA (Forward bend with palms under feet) – Lengthen the spine with weight on the front feet forward. Palm till the wrist flatten under the feet, pulling elbows outward and face close to the thigh. Tuck in the abs.
PASCHIMOTTANSANA  (Seated Forward Bend):-
Its a deeper forward bend with flat tummy. Sit on the floor in Dandasana. Push heels away, make sure you are sitting upright. Shift the top of the thighs inward slightly and press them down into the floor. Inhale, extend the spine upwards, head upward together with arms. Lengthen the tailbone and exhale, arms to the ears. Bend forward halfway. Extend sides of the trunk. Inhale one more and bend forward more and hold on the side of the feet with your hands with a concave back. Keep on stretching until you feel the belly touches the thighs. Remember to breathe.
Coming out of the pose:- Inhale, lift the head, keeping the arms by the side of the ears, spine neutral. Bring body upwards.
PRONE:- MAKARASANA (Resting Crocodile) – Lie on the belly. legs apart slightly wider than hip width. Heels outward, toes inward. Cross arms and place both palms one on top of the other. Rest forehead on the palm. Breath normal. relax all parts of the body. Go into relaxation.
Coming out of the pose:- Bring arms by the side, feet together, turn to the right side of the body and rise.
SUPINE:- SUPTA PADANGUSTHASANA  A, B (Sleeping Thumb to Foot Stretch Pose)
Lie down on the back. Raise the right leg and hold the right toe. Straighten the legs. Bring Chin to shin. Hold for 5 breaths. Bring the right leg to the side, keeping hips square. Hold for 5 breaths. Return the right leg back to the centre.Repeat on the other side.
Welcome to the Intermediate Class 2 of Ashtanga Vinyasa. I am very honoured that you have come to my class. in today’s class you will feel the healing taking place in your mind, moving throughout the body, thru the breath. Focus on each and every movement.
We will now do the Surya Namaskar  A  and  B.
First, the Surya Namaskar A for 5 rounds.
We’ll begin by focusing on the alignments of the ‘Asanas’ and ‘Ujjai’ breathing.
Let’s do the 3 AUMs followed by a mantra (Gayatri Mantra). Breathing for the next 5 mins will be like this – Inhale, belly rise, Exhale, belly falls. Then inhale, hold for 3 counts, and exhale, hold for 6 counts….. continue. Relax the face muscle, drop the shoulders. Focus on the breath.
Warm ups – Stretch all the joints. ready for Surya Namaskar ‘A’.
1. SAMASTHITI – Gazing point, tip of nose. Prayer pose.
2. UTTANASANA – Bend forward. Bend the head. Chin to the neck. Tuck the stomach, using the bandhas. Gazing point, navel.
3. HALFWAY UP – Lenghtening the spine, straight legs, engage knees, tuck the stomach in. Gazing point, nose.
4. JUMP BACK (CHATURANGA) – Roll the shoulders back. Shift the weight to the arms. Straighten the spine. Tuck in buttocks and stomach. Elbow close to the body. Gazing point, nose.
5. URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA – Straighten arms. Lift upper body off the floor with tip of toes touching the floor. Feel the stretch on the neck, especially the throat. Gazing point, eyebrow.
6. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA – Push the body up so tailbone points to ceiling with feet flat on the floor and arms stretched and palms flat on floor. Tuck stomach in using 2 bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, navel.
7. JUMP FORWARD – Soft jump forward. Bend forward. Hands touching feet. Stretch the spine and legs. Straighten the knees. Tuck in the stomach. Gazing point, nose.
8. UTTANASANA – Bend forward. Bend the head. Chin to the neck. Tuck the stomach, using the bandhas. Gazing point, navel.
9. SAMASTHITI – Hand on heart centre. Prayer pose.
Now Surya Namaskar  B for 5 rounds.
1. SAMASTHITI – Prayer Pose.
2. UTKATASANA – (Fierce Chair Pose) – Feet together. Raise both hands up while bending the knees and sit back on heels. Imagine you’re a chair. With back straight make sure knees do not extend beyond the toes. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, forward.
3. UTTANASANA – Bend forward. Bend the head. Chin to the neck. Tuck the stomach, using the bandhas. Gazing point, navel.
4. HALFWAY UP – Lenghtening the spine, straight legs, engage knees, tuck the stomach in. Gazing point, nose.
5. JUMP BACK (CHATURANGA) – Roll the shoulders back. Shift the weight to the arms. Straighten the spine. Tuck in buttocks and stomach. Elbow close to the body. Gazing point, nose.
6. URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA – Straighten arms. Lift upper body off the floor with tip of toes touching the floor. Feel the stretch on the neck, especially the throat. Gazing point, eyebrow.
7. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA – Push the body up so tailbone points to ceiling with feet flat on the floor and arms stretched and palms flat on floor. Tuck stomach in using 2 bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, navel.
8. RIGHT LEG FORWARD (Virabhadrasana)  A – (Fierce Warrior Pose) – Step right leg forward and bend at 90 degrees angle. Stretch and straighten left leg. Both feet flat on the floor. Raise both hands up with palms together. Lift sternum. make sure heels hips and shoulders are in alignment. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, upwards.
9. URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA – Straighten arms. Lift upper body off the floor with tip of toes touching the floor. Feel the stretch on the neck, especially the throat. Gazing point, eyebrow.
10. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA – Push the body up so tailbone points to ceiling with feet flat on the floor and arms stretched and palms flat on floor. Tuck stomach in using 2 bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, navel.
11. LEFT LEG FORWARD (Virabhadrasana)  A – (Fierce Warrior Pose) – Step left leg forward and bend at 90 degrees angle. Stretch and straighten right leg. Both feet flat on the floor. Raise both hands up with palms together. Lift sternum. make sure heels hips and shoulders are in alignment. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, upwards.
12. JUMP BACK (CHATURANGA) – Roll the shoulders back. Shift the weight to the arms. Straighten the spine. Tuck in buttocks and stomach. Elbow close to the body. Gazing point, nose.
13. URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA – Straighten arms. Lift upper body off the floor with tip of toes touching the floor. Feel the stretch on the neck, especially the throat. Gazing point, eyebrow.
14. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA – Push the body up so tailbone points to ceiling with feet flat on the floor and arms stretched and palms flat on floor. Tuck stomach in using 2 bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, navel.
15. JUMP FORWARD – Soft jump forward. Bend forward. Hands touching feet. Stretch the spine and legs. Straighten the knees. Tuck in the stomach. Gazing point, nose.
16. UTTANASANA – Bend forward. Bend the head. Chin to the neck. Tuck the stomach, using the bandhas. Gazing point, navel.
17. UTKATASANA – (Fierce Chair Pose) – Feet together. Raise both hands up while bending the knees and sit back on heels. Imagine you’re a chair. With back straight make sure knees do not extend beyond the toes. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, forward.
18. SAMASTHITI – Prayer pose. Gazing point, nose tip.
PADANGUSTHANA (Forward Bend With Bound Toe) – Hips and shoulder square. Raise arm above the head and bend forward, using both the bandhas (Muladhara and Udiyana). Bend from hips lengthening the spine. Tailbone to the ceiling. Engage knee cap (quadriceps). Pull elbow outwards, stretching abs into the thighs, face into shinbone.
PADAHASTASANA (Forward bend with palms under feet) – Lengthen the spine with weight on the front feet forward. Palm till the wrist flatten under the feet, pulling elbows outward and face close to the thigh. Tuck in the abs.
Reach out your right arm. Bend torso to the left. Place the left hand by the left foot or ankle or shin. Lift right arm so that it is in straight line with left arm. Turn the head towards the right arm, passing the shoulder and look at the right thumb. Now do the same for the other side. Gazing point, the right thumb.
Square hips. Engage thigh muscle, reaching forwrd to lenghten spine. Lock in the Muladhara. Place the right palm on the floor near left toe. Twist the upper back, lifting the heart chakra 9rib cage). Stretch up the left arm. Rotate the neck to the upper shoulder so head face upwards. Gazing point, the left thumb. Now do the same for the other side.
UTTHITA PARSVAKONASANA (Extended Side Angle Stretch Pose)
Stretch the legs wide. Left leg at 45 degrees to the floor and right leg bend at 90 deghrees. Put the right palm on the floor next to the feet of the bended right leg. Stretch left arm upwards to be in line with stretched left leg. Now do the same for the other side.
PARIVRITTA PARSVAKONASANA (Revolved Side Angle Stretch Pose)
Maintain spread leg position like in previous pose. Twist the armpit across. No gaps in between arm and side knee. Place palm on floor next to outside of bended foot. Twist upper body. Feet flat. Middle chest  touches bended knee.
PARASARITA PADOTTANASANA  A (Spread Legs Intense Stretch Pose)
Udiyana bandha to be used. Both legs spread wide and firm. Lengthen spine. Bend forward. Palms on floor with elbows bend and fingers spread. Keep on breathing. Each exhale tummy in until stomach gets very close to thighs.
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA  B (Spread Legs Intense Stretch Pose)
Udiyana bandha used. Feet spread apart as in previous pose. Hands place on hips. Ensure stomach is engaged.
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA   C (Spread Legs Intense Stretch Pose)
Continue from previous pose. Keep your head up until almost reaching the ground to create space. Roll the shoulder back with palms together till palms touch the floor. Squeeze shoulder.
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA D (Spread legs Intense Stretch Pose)
Stretch elbows to the side bend 90 degrees. Fingers to pull the toes. Shoulder away from head. Weight on front of the feet.
PARSVOTTANANSANA (Intense Stretch To The Side Pose)
Step right leg forward. Right toes point foward and left toes at 90 degrees to that. Rotate depress and retract shoulders. Elbows push back. Bend forward with chest to touch right thigh and chin to shin.. Do not arch spine. Use Udiyana bandha.
Stand straight. Lift right knee towards the chest and grab big toe with two fingers. Extend leg forward. Straighten knee and bend elbow. Shift weight on standing leg. Keep pulling the leg. Use both bandhas. Square hips. Gazing point, nose tip.
As in previous pose. Turn the right foot to the right side, by opening the right hip. Leg extend fully. Knees straight. Hip square and breathe steady. Gazing point, corner of left eye.
This time leg goes up above head with fingers grabbing the big toe and other hand holding the ankle. Hip square. Pull legs with standing leg straight. Both knees straight. Gazing point, toes.
UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTHASANA  D (Extendeded Hand To big Toe Pose)
This time place hands on hips. Use uddiyana bandha. Raise right leg up with pointed toes to hip level. Knees to be straighten. Gazing point, toes.
ARDHA BADDHA PADMOTTANASANA (Half Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Pose)
Lift right leg to left upper thigh. Bring right hand to back of body and grab right toe. Bend forward till face is at shin level. Left palm touches floor near left toe. Square hips and shoulder. Hold for 5 breaths.
UTKATASANA (Fierce/ Chair Pose)
Feet together, spine straight, tuck in tailbone. Apply Moola Bandha. Squeeze inner thigh. Raise both hands above head, palms together. Bend knees. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, thumbs.
VIRABHADRASANA  A (Fierce Warrior Pose)
Step one leg forward. One leg at 90 Degrees and other at 45 degrees. Lift hands above head, lift sternum, palms squeeze together. Contract every muscle. Hold for 5 breaths. Gazing point, thumbs.
VIRABHADRASANA  B (Fierce Warrior Pose)
Legs wide apart to left n right. Right toe 90 degrees to left toe. Bend knee. Shoulder straight. Arms outstretched to shoulder level.. Gazing point, thumbs. Hold for 5 breaths. Now change and do for other side.
DANDASANA (Staff Pose)
Sit on floor. Legs straight and feet together. Toes point upwards. Engage thighs. Press palms on floor. Sqeeze inner thighs. use both bandhas.Gazing point, nose tip.
**** PASCHIMOTTANASANA  A,B,C,D (West Posterior Stretch Pose)
Sit on floor with legs stretched out in front. Bend body forward. Lenghten spine. Hold Big toe. Hold sole of feet. Gazing point, floor. Stretch wrist. Gazing point, toe. Stretch hands. Palms on floor. Head down. Use both bandhas. Gazing point toes.
PURVATTANASANA (East Anterior Stretch Pose)
Breathe and rotate the shoulder. Spine straight. Rotate the chest. Squeeze the inner thigh and butt. Press soles firmly down. Lift hips, open the heart and relax the face.
ARDHA BADDHA PADMA PASCHIMOTTANASANA (Half bound lotus posterior stretch pose)
Fold the right knee into half lotus. Wrap the hand behind the waist and bind to the right toe. Lengthen  the spine and reach forward. Hips and shoulders square. Straight legs and engage the cordexsep to relax the hamstrings. Point toes upwards.
TRIANG MUKHA EKAPADA PASCHIMOTTANASANA (3 limb facing one leg posterior stretch pose)
Fold the right knee and place the right heel next to the hips. Sole facing up, reach both arms. Fold forward. Hips square, Shoulders Square. Spine lengthening.
JANU SIRSASANA  A,B,C  (Head to Knee Pose)
A, B, C. Fold forward. Square hips. Shoulder square. Knee press against floor and press inner thigh. Lymph note A. For B, heel goes to buttock. For C, heel goes to stomach.
MARICHYASANA  A (Marichya pose A)
Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the floor, heel close to the hip. Fold forward. Square hips, square shoulder. All gaps sealed. Engage the heels and quadricep. Open shoulder and rotate so that you can get to the wrist. Keep the knee closed to in the armpit. Gazing point, toes.
MARICHYASANA  B (Marichya Pose B)
Fold the right knee into half lotus. Bend the left knee. Place the left foot on the floor. Heel close to the hip. Heel touches the pressed stomach and intestines. Gazing point, nosetip.
MARICHYASANA  C (Marichya Pose C)
Bend the right knee and place the right feet on the floor. Heel close to the hip. Square Hip and square shoulder. Twist until shoulder reaches centre of the body. Gazing point, to the side.
MARICHYASANA  D (Marichya Pose D)
Fold the right knee into half lotus. Bend left knee. Place the left foot on the floor with heel close to hip. Don’t do after meals. B and C is the combination of D. Its an extreme twist. it hits on pancrease. Gazing point, to the side.
NAVASANA (Boat Pose)
Raise right arm up. Turn body to the left. Wrap the right arm around the left leg and bind with left hand. Lengthen spine upwards, suck belly in, and twist. Knees and spine at 45 degrees. Arms horizontal and straight. Feel abs stretch. Sit on the sit bones. Gazing point, toes.
BHUJAPIDASANA (Arm Pressure Pose)
Bend forward, bring the shoulders behind the knees. Palms firmly on the floor. Body balance on straight arms. Buttocks level, and high, on same level as the spine. Head forward and down. Squeeze the thyroid gland. Now Move legs backwards to between hands. Bend down with head touching floor. Squeez inner thigh. Butt up. Gazing point, nose tip.
KURMASANA (A)/SUPTA KURMASANA  (B) (Tortoise Pose)/(Sleeping Tortoise pose)
Bend forward and slide shoulders to the knees. For A. Sit on floor. Legs apart. Bend body forward to between legs. Hands spread wide under each knee. Palms on floor.  For B. Bend both knees. Head bend touching floor. Hands curl behind back with fingers locked. Lock ankles. Gazing point, third eye.
GARBHA PINDASANA (Embryo in womb Pose)
Sit on floor. Crossed legs into lotus and bring up to chest. Elbows bent and supporting legs and fingers touching face. Then roll back so spine on floor. Rock 9 times. Gazing point, nose tip.
KUKKUTASANA (Rooster Pose)
Palms straight on floor supporting body. Legs intertwine hands in lotus position. Gazing point, nose tip.
BADDHA KONASANA  A,B (Bound Angle Pose)
For A. Sit on floor. Heels together close to groin and hands on feet. Chin touching floor. Lengthen spine. For B. Forehead touches toes. Gazing point, nose tip.
UPAVISTHA KONASANA / SUPTA KONASANA (Seated angle Pose) / (Sleeping Angle Pose)
Sit on floor. Legs raised and spread apart. Arms raised and fingers hold toes. Bend body. Palms placed under ball of feet. Roll backwards. Tailbone pointing to ceiling. Toes touching floor. Fingers grabbing toes. Gazing point, nose tip.
SUPTA PADANGUSTHASANA  A,B (Sleeping Thumb to Foot Stretch Pose)
Lie on back. Lift right toe with right fingers holding toe. Straighten till chin touch shin. Left leg straight on floor. Bring right leg to side. Hips square. repeat other side. Gazing point, toes.
Lie on back. Lift legs and roll back. Toes to touch floor. Fingers hold big toes. Roll forward and balance on tailbone. Gazing point, upwards.
URDHVA MUKHA PASCHIMOTTANSANA (Upward facing Posterior Stretch Pose)
Lie back. Roll feet backwards. Tailbone pointing up. Fingers on ankles/heels. Lift legs upwards. Face to shin. Body sits on tailbone. Gazing point, toes.
SETU BANDHASANA (Bridge Formation Pose)
Lie on back. Lift body off floor. Bend head backwards with resting on floor. Legs together, toes pointing direction of left and right shoulders. Arms crossed on chest and palms on shoulders. Gazing point, nose tip.
Lie on back. Raise body. Lift hips to arch the body. Bring legs and hands back closer to hips. Palms on floor. Gazing point, nose tip.
SARVANGASANA (All Limbs Pose, Shoulder Stand)
Lie on back. Lift body and legs up and straighten spine. Bend elbows resting on floor and palms support and push to straighten back. head on floor, chin on throat. Gazing point, nose tip.
HALASANA (Plough Pose)
Lie on back. Lift legs till it goes behind head and toes touch floor. Arms stretched on floor behind back with fingers lock. Tailbone pointing upwards. Gazing point, nose tip.
KARANAPIDASANA (Ear Pressure Pose)
From last pose, bring knees to ears. Tailbone points to ceiling. Gazing point, nose tip.
URDHVA PADMASANA (Upward Lotus Pose)
From Sarvangasana pose fold legs into lotus pose. Hands place on knees. Gazing point, nose tip.
PINDASANA (Embryo Pose)
From last pose bring lotus to touch face. Hands hug legs, fingers locked. Gazing point, nose tip.
From last pose, roll forward slowly till lotus touches floor. Fingers hold big toes. Crown of head touching floor. Gazing point, nose tip.
UTTANA PADASANA (Extended Stretch Foot Pose)
From last pose release lotus. Spine arch, crown touching floor, legs together and straight at 45 degree angle. Hands straight, palms together, pointing to ceiling. Gazing point, nose tip.
SIRSASANA (Headstand Pose)
Place crown of head on floor. Bend elbow and lock fingers behind head on floor. Slowly raise buttocks nad bended knees. Then straighten legs vertically to point towards ceiling. Hold for 25 breaths. Gazing point, nose tip.
Sit on floor in lotus pose. Cross arms behind body so left fingers hold right toe and right fingers hold left toe. lengthen spine and open chest. Gazing point, nose tip.
YOGA MUDRA (Yoga Gesture)
From previous pose bend forward. Forehead to touch floor. Gazing point, nose tip.
Sit on floor in lotus pose.Place both palms behind both knees. Lift body up. Do forceful breathing. Gazing point, nose tip.
Sit with your spine straight. Breathe in and out. Rotate the body towards the right for 20 rounds and then towards the left 20 rounds, working deep into the lower body. Once done, lie on your back. With open eyes, rotate them in four corners of your eyes. When tired, close and rest. Feel the quietness, stillness and calmness in the body. Stretch legs and arms. Turn the body to the right side and come to the sitting position. Relax.