

During our lesson on pranayama which is expansion of vital energy, Master Paalu clearly explained the importance and technique of doing Nadi Shodhana. In Sanskrit, Nadi means channel and Shodhana means purification. Its benefits are many such as strengthening and purifying the nervous system, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and helps to organise thoughts, focusing on the mind. I explained this technique to my father who was having some difficulty in sorting the issues with his rented property in Singapore.Being in this difficult situation troubled him greatly as he was unable to concentrate and think clearly about an effective solution that would save his apartment without getting into the legal intricacies.In fact just like a pressure cooker, we feared he would have an emotional outburst which could have damaging effects caused by the buildup.

After practising Nadi Shodhana every morning and evening, he was able to think calmly, control his emotions and as his thoughts organised themselves. In particular, he added a positive affirmation as he was breathing that had an uplifting effect which inspired him to find a solution. Initially he was doing one inhalation followed by two holds and two exhalations( RATIO: 1:2:2 AND COUNT 4,8,8). I was so pleased to see him explain and demonstrate to his friend the other night about this technique. He explained the following: “It is important to sit comfortably with the spine erect, shoulders relaxed and eyes closed.Bring the left hand hand in chin mudra and the right hand in Vishnu mudra (fold the tips of the index and middle fingers inward until they touch the palm at the base of the right thumb while aligning the ring and pinky. You will alternately use the right thumb to close the right nostril and the right ring and pinky fingers (together) to close the left nostril. Begin by gently closing the left nostril, inhaling through the right nostril, holding and exhaling through the left nostril. This is to be followed by inhaling through the left nostril, holding and exhaling through the right nostril thus completing one round. Focus your awareness on the path of the breath as it moves up one side of the body and back down to the other side of the body.”.

As a tight family unit, we have experienced Nadi Shodahana to be immensely rewarding and are practising it regularly even for as little as five to ten minutes. The state of mind is definitely calmer and we are able to focus better offering our full presence to the rest of the day.