
Diastasis Recti?!

It has been almost 3 years since my 2nd child was born. After going through a Caesarean delivery, and a natural childbirth, my body is just not what it used to be. I wonder sometimes how frustrating it is to be a woman, and yet how amazing and beautiful it can be to experience a little human growing inside you!

The first time I heard of Diastasis Recti (DR) was from a fellow mum, and I was in utter shock. I wonder if DR the caused for my bulging tummy? I did some research on DR and after consulting my Gynae, I started to dive back to practising yoga again 3 months post-partum. Here are some of the yoga poses that help aid my DR journey!

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti occurs when your abdominal wall (specifically the linea alba) begins to separate due to your growing baby bump.

This ab separation is actually common during pregnancies, but some women may experience more severe separation in their abdominal wall. This severe ab separation leaves the core weaker and can actually cause discomfort.

Diastasis recti is extremely common in those who are pregnant and during the postpartum period. It affects 60% of people. It usually resolves itself within eight weeks of delivery. About 40% of those who have diastasis recti still have it by six months postpartum.

Here Are my top 5 favourite Yoga Poses and Practices to Help Aid In my personal Diastasis Recti Recovery Journey:

1.     Bridge Pose with Hip Pulses

–         Helps strengthens your core and your back!

2.     Pelvic Tilt

–         Engage your deep core muscles and strengthen your back.

–         It is important to practice pelvic tilts slowly to give yourself the opportunity to also focus on strengthening your pelvic floor as well.



3.     Supine Alternate Leg Raises

–         This movement invites the same awareness and activation of the core to strengthen your deep core muscles, but with a little more intensity.

4.     Forearm Plank

There can still be too much pressure on the abdominals when on your forearms. As with the other planks, you can put your knees down to modify.

         5.  Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

– This low-to-the-ground version of plank can become more of a logistical issue as your belly grows, but like the other plank-like shapes, knees down can be a good way to modify.

Always remember, you can modify every and any Yoga poses. Most importantly, you need to look after yourself, be kind and take small little step(s) everyday to improve your body, mind and soul!