
Yoga Articles

Teach yoga to the academics!

 The 8 limbs of yoga are the lighthouse of a yogi’s life. They aim to guide the yogis to self-realization through connection with the Divine. Yama = Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-greediness), Brachmacharya (sexual urge control), and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) Niyama = Saucha (purity), sattva (gratitude), tapas (discipline), Swadhyaya (connect

Different types of mudras

‘Mudra’, a Sanskrit word, means a symbolic hand gesture that has the power of producing joy and happiness. The position of our hands has the ability to influence energy of our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Yoga practice has been increasingly popular in recent years. Where I stay in Singapore, everywhere I go, I will see someone carrying a yoga mat; on the train, on the bus, everywhere. The general perception is that yoga is a physical fitness activity. Or in some occasions, yoga can be

Satya: Living the Truth online and offline

It is often difficult to come by people who are living the truth; the creation of social media and the anonymity of online profiles has allowed us to hide behind our screens as keyboard warriors. With platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, the true meaning of yoga has been lost

Tatah Parama Vashyata Indriyanam

Happiness comes from within. Have you heard that before? I think many times we seek an object or a person to give us that happiness and we lose control by giving in to our senses. Be it food for comfort( taste/smell ) or relationships ( feeling wanted, physical touch). When


Mythical-Mystical-Magical History of yoga is so amazing.  Patanjali the great sage was there or not there. If he was there was he half serpent and half man or full human. if he was half serpent then is mythology remains Mythology or become History. If he was not there then how

Because elephants needn’t fly

Asteya or non-stealing is one of four Yamas mentioned in the yoga sutras. When I was first introduced to the concept, the word stealing brought images of celebrities shop-lifting & acts of petty theft and robbery  to mind and I automatically marked myself higher on my yogic path. With imaginary

Non-violence starts with the thoughts in the mind

When I think of the word “violence”, naturally, I will think of it as a forceful physical action with the intention to hurt or cause damage to others or oneself.  In the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the first Yama is Ahimsa which means “non-violence’ or ‘non-harming’.  I believe it does

My Interpretation – Yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ

Prior to joining YTTC,   I knew yoga meant union and I took it to mean union of the mind and body. I saw yogis on social media always preaching love and compassion but I did not know the origins of those teachings. I thought it was just part of yoga marketing.

Yoga Sutra Study – 4.17

4.17 Taduparaga apeksitvat cittasya vastu jnata ajnatam “An object remains known or unknown according to the conditioning or expectation of the consciousness.” In the book “Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, BKS Iyengar commented that when consciousness reflects on the object without condition, taint, or expectation, its real essence
