
Announcing the Expansion of Tirisula Yoga: Introducing Tirisula Yoga and Pilates

Dear Tirisula Yoga community,

We are excited to announce that Tirisula Yoga is expanding! As we continue to grow and evolve, we are thrilled to announce that we are rebranding as ‘Tirisula Yoga and Pilates’.

Old logo
New logo

This change reflects our commitment to providing our clients with a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. We understand that yoga and Pilates go hand in hand, and by incorporating Pilates classes into our offerings, we are able to provide a well-rounded practice that will benefit our clients both physically and mentally.

We're expanding to Malaysia!

As part of this expansion, we are proud to introduce our new Group Reformer Pilates classes in Malaysia. These classes are designed to provide a low-impact, full-body workout that will help you build strength, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall fitness level.

Our new Group Reformer Pilates classes are suitable for all fitness levels, and our certified instructors are trained to help you modify exercises to meet your individual needs. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to fitness, we have classes that will challenge and inspire you.

Our first studio in Malaysia will be located at Iskandar, Johor. Classes are targeted to start from 1 June onwards.

We are excited to bring this new offering to our community, and we hope that you will join us on this journey. We believe that Tirisula Yoga and Pilates will provide our clients with a unique and transformative experience that will help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

We are confident that this rebranding will help us continue to grow and expand our reach, and we look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you soon in our new Group Reformer Pilates classes!


The Tirisula Yoga and Pilates Team