
Anahata (Heart) Chakra

When I first read up about Chakras, I was curious as to how they regulate and can be unlocked. Reading through a few online sources and youtube, I came to really connect with one chakra in particular – the heart chakra. This Chakra speaks to me a whole lot as I find that it is the key to spreading love and compassion to everyone around.

The main characteristics of the heart chakra is that it promotes compassion, peacefulness, generosity, kindness and you are loving to others, including yourself. An open heart chakra can allow for one to completely be open and accept themselves, thereby being able to heal others. It is not only about being open to all requests either, but also knowing when to say “no” to anything. It is living in balance, giving and receiving with equal ease.

In yoga, there are several poses that activates the heart chakra. Mainly, postures that open up the shoulder and chest help with it. This includes Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), Camatkarasana (Wild Thing), Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) and more.

When not in balance, the heart chakra can also cause some issues. When overactive, it develops into a constant pressure to please people. At the end of the day, your acts might sometimes lead to negative impacts on yourself. Personally, I have experienced this pressure to make everyone around me happy before. This makes it hard to make decisions and you fall into dilemmas very often. You might also over-tire yourself from always being kind to others. There are instances where by I have also experienced extreme denial, from realising that not everyone in reality is kind as well. However, meditation and constant yoga practice will counter this. The key is to also be aware of your own feelings and reflect often. That way, your heart chakra is likely to be more stable, without being overactive or underactive.