
Yoga Articles

The Somatics of Yoga

Practitioners of yoga in modern times may start yoga with simple reasons such as toning, keeping fit, developing more flexibility, or as a way to help deal with stresses of life.  These are all good reasons to start yoga, and yoga will deliver all this, and so much more.  If

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah

In the western world, most of the people perceive yoga as another form of physical workout with relaxing benefits. Some people treat it next to veganism as another trend. Yoga studios are usually full but at the end when some of the teachers start chanting most of the practitioners leave

Self love

Love had been a topic that we’ve been discussing quite often. I remember when Master Sree said for the first time that pure love is self-love I didn’t agree. It sounded too selfish, but I kept thinking about it, and my conclusion is that self-love is a base, a starting

Everyone can learn something from the sutras of Pantanjali

If you really want to get a sense of how old Yoga is look at the sutras of Pantanjali. The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali which are the foundational text of classical yoga philosophy are around 2000 years old. They fell into relative obscurity for nearly 700 years from the 12th

Moving Forward! Start a journey to a Yogi Lifestyle – 4 The Theory

Moving Forward! Start a journey to a Yogi Lifestyle – 4  The Theory Love the theory part, not so much that I like to read now, but so relax and easy that someone there talk and I listen, the science, the philosophy, the art, and the stories. I had already much

Basics of Pranayama

Yoga is beyond asanas. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is an eight-fold path leading to liberation, known as the ‘Ashtanga Yoga System’ or ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’.

End of My YTT Journey, Start to a New Beginning

In our life, we crossed path with many people. Some comes and goes. While others, stays along the way. In this YTT journey, I have met people from all walks of life. Different nationality, race, gender and religion. But we all have the same mind and goal. We shared stories

Asana: The Beginning of the Journey

“and I said to my body, softly. ‘I want to be your friend.‘ it took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this‘” – Nayyirah Waheed.     After chancing upon the weekly yoga class (Denise Chew) at the gym I was at, a

Yoga philosophy: The yamas

The yamas are the the first limb of the eight limb path described by Pathanjali in the Yoga Sutras. They describe the five qualities and principles one should follow in everyday life to guide one’s interactions with the outside world. There are many interpretations of these principles depending on the

Summary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Yoga Sutras describes the way of overcoming the afflictions of the body and fluctuations of the mind: the obstacles to spiritual development. The following summary is based on 5 sutras from each chapter. Chapter 1: Samadhi Pada-On Contemplation Verse 1: atha yoganusasanam Now, seems to be the key word in this verse.
