
Yoga Articles

Beyond Asana: 8 Limbs of Yoga – Yama

Yoga is not just about asana. According to the Yoga Sutra, compiled by Patanjali Maharishi, the practices of Ashtanga yoga or Raja yoga can be divided into 8 limbs, which form the foundation that guides yogis to Samadhi, the super conscious state. Yama is the first limb of the eight.

Grounding Into Gratitude: Practicing Santosha on and off the mat

Are we forever chasing rainbows? Oftentimes, we think that if we get a promotion, get more money, lose weight, have better skin, get a bigger house, or get better with our asanas, we will be happier. We humans are in the constant chase for something that we don’t have, and

Beyond Truthfulness: practicing Satya on and off the mat

  `Yamas` (moral discipline) are observances recommended by yogic philosophy and teaching as part of the eight-limbed path of yoga, developed by Patanjali. Unlike a commandment that has to be strictly followed, the five yamas are established for enthusiasts to develop a mindful and healthy lifestyle. The second yama is

The Yamas and my Headstand Practice

I found Yoga Philosophy to be very abstract and difficult to understand when I first came across it during the YTT theory lessons. After thinking them through and reading more about them, I came to appreciate them more and see how they relate to our everyday lives and in my

How to include yoga in our daily routine – Part 1

For years, I have always felt good and at peace after each yoga practice and I think that is what yoga is about. It was only until this course that I realized there is much more than asanas! Hence, I would definitely like to add more yoga into my daily

Basics of Pranayama

Yoga is beyond asanas. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is an eight-fold path leading to liberation, known as the ‘Ashtanga Yoga System’ or ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’.

Raja Yoga- Yama

When I was first introduced to the eight limbs of raja yoga/ashtanga yoga in class, I found that the first limb, Yama, seems to be similar to the Ten Commandments. So I went to read up more about it. Yama refers to the disappearance of all suppression. It describes five moral restrains


Yamas The first of the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga (or Raja) Yoga is the Yamas. The word Yama in Sanskrit translates in to English loosely to mean Restraint. Thus the first Limb of the practice of Ashtanga is to restraint in how you deal with the world outside of yourself.

The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga: Yamas or Restraints (Number 3)

The first limb of Raja yoga is a set of Yamas or restraints. These can be seen as a form of guidance to the student to help them live a more focused and fruitful life. The third Yama is called Asteya, which is a guide to restrain from acts of theft or

Following the yamas and niyamas

The eight limbs are termed as such because of their equal importance. Referring to each pathway as a ‘limb’ signifies each stages importance in becoming a whole enlightened being. The purpose of living these eight limbs is to achieve Yoga as a state of being. In the west people often
