
Yoga Articles

My go-to Sattvic breakfast as a Vata

A Vata is made up of the element of air. We Vatas are known to be free-spirited, energetic and can embrace changes easily. However, Vata personalities can also be forgetful, anxious, and often suffer with constipation and poor circulation. Some of the Vata aggravating foods include frozen dessert (I love

Ayurveda Body Type

Ayurveda is the complete knowledge of life. It is derived from ancient India Philosophy. Based on the philosophy of Ayurveda, it say that all the matter in this universe are made of 5 elements: air, water, space, fire, and earth.  They are made by this 5 elements with different proportion,

“You look like you’re dancing in a field of Dandelions”

Ever felt this way? Or do you perpetually feel this way? Well, you have a Vata body type. Just like me, my first few lessons was greeted with comments such as “hey, you look like you’re dancing in a field of Dandelions” or “you have a very air/space body type”.
